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Ban Appeal

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:54 pm
by SkizzyStrike username: SkizzyStrike
Realm: Northrend(Europe)
Gamename: [Ent] Legion TD 3.5 Beta #96
Situation: autoban: left at 336/1680
Why you should be unbanned:

Dear Entgaming owners/admins/mods,

In the particular game I was banned for (Legion TD 3.5 Beta),
I left because I leaked 12 creeps in level 2 and then also almost entire level 3.
It would not have been fair for my team if I had stayed, since they would have to cut down on their income-plans to overbuild for my leaks.
Seeing my available towers (prophet builder), with no re-rolls being available I knew I could not recuperate and I would have only been a burden to my team.
I never leave other games that I play that you host, as you can also check from the replays of the past week that are available on your website.
Therefor I would ask you to relieve me from this ban so I can, once again, enjoy your awesome hostbot-services. This is the last day of my weekend before I have to work 10-hour shifts again and I would really like to enjoy it playing WarcraftIII.


Skizzy Strike

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:37 pm
by teller55
Ban Expired, moving to processed.