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Ban Appeal

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:50 pm
by krom86
I got banned by Cyberpunk directly. He suggested I post an appeal. I'm convinced it will do nothing, but cyberpunk insists.

BNET Name: Krom86
Zone: US East Azeroth

Cyberpunk and I are becoming fast friends.

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:02 pm
by cyberpunk
I want you to understand, you are not authorized to act as a judge. If something happens in a public server, you shouldn't mess the game to others, doesn't matter who is right or wrong, can you agree with it?

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:05 pm
by krom86
And he just gets a license to be a dick right?

How about this:

Next time I'm in a game with him, if he gets the secret flower herb first I will build my tent to block him in and he will have to chop out. Is that fair? I mean I should be able to build my tent wherever I please right?

By the way is it an IP Address ban? Because I can just use a different computer. It's not really a problem.

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:10 pm
by cyberpunk
krom86 wrote:Next time I'm in a game with him, if he gets the secret flower herb first I will build my tent to block him in and he will have to chop out. Is that fair?
Want me to extend your ban?

krom86 wrote:I mean I should be able to build my tent wherever I please right?
ofc you can, but doing that you'll ruin the game to him, just pick the secret flower first than him. And btw, you should do same he did, he did share with you. Incredible, how ppl plays a coop game fighting with each other

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:11 pm
by krom86
He shared when it was gold, but you can't split the flower.

I suppose he can claim whichever base he wants too right? And if I start building there he has all the power.

Uh-oh, your name is written in red now. Did you get promoted to admin?

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:17 pm
by cyberpunk
krom86 wrote:By the way is it an IP Address ban? Because I can just use a different computer. It's not really a problem.
up2u, want me to remove your ban or to deny this appeal?
krom86 wrote:He shared when it was gold, but you can't split the flower.

I suppose he can claim whichever base he wants too right? And if I start building there he has all the power.
Just pick the fu***** flower first than him.

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:18 pm
by krom86
Yes I would like you to remove the ban.