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wrongfully banned for "PPing"

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:41 pm
by Mulch_diggums
Warcraft III username: Mulch_diggums
Realm: Azeroth (US East)
Situation: i was playing island defense as titan.
Why you should be unbanned: i was going to wait for ten minutes to leave, even stated so. at 9 minutes and 40 seconds, or rather 20:20 till gold penalty, i happened to disconnect. Jew claimed i pp'd which is absurd because why would i go through the trouble when i only need 20 seconds to left. He banned me for plug pulling in an absurd circumstance that also cannot be proven.. so may i please be unbanned? Thanks.

Re: wrongfully banned for "PPing"

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:49 pm
by jew

No, you can't.

You've been banned 4-5 times within the past two weeks. I don't care if you think you're above the spirit of the rules, but you clearly violated them. If you don't plan on playing titan seriously, then simply don't stay when you're in the titan slot.

@Wyldcard @Sat you can process, thanks.

Re: wrongfully banned for "PPing"

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:49 pm
by Mulch_diggums
as a note, by waiting i wasnt simply sitting there. I was participating, killing 3 builders and playing the game.

Re: wrongfully banned for "PPing"

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:56 pm
by Mulch_diggums
Tell me what rule i clearly violated please? my internet dropped me. You just want a reason to ban me. I can make a video and post it on youtube of every way possible i can make my self disconnect by plug pulling and it takes 10 minutes for my shit router to start up again for me to get on wc3 if thats what it takes. I was on instantly after i was dropped.

Re: wrongfully banned for "PPing"

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:09 pm
by Sat
Unbanned. I think we should amend the leaving rule to match specific circumstances of games, in this case did leaving 20- seconds before the 10 minute mark really ruin the game any more than it might have been at the exact legal moment?


Don't titan if you're not up to it, and don't tell people you plan to leave. Passive aggression is annoying and met with hostility.