Autobanned mistake
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:25 pm username: i-Noob-
Gamename: DotA apem A-BAL us/ca #69
Bot username: autoban [ENT]
Situation: autoban: left at 300/904 28
Why you should be unbanned:
It said i was banned for leaving early but my team won and i had something like 7 kills/5 deaths and i left game as soon as the others team throne was destroyed. So how was i autobanned for leaving if I won ????????????
Gamename: DotA apem A-BAL us/ca #69
Bot username: autoban [ENT]
Situation: autoban: left at 300/904 28
Why you should be unbanned:
It said i was banned for leaving early but my team won and i had something like 7 kills/5 deaths and i left game as soon as the others team throne was destroyed. So how was i autobanned for leaving if I won ????????????