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Unban please - DIEDIE - Europe

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:43 pm
Warcraft III username: DIEDIE
Realm: Europe
Situation: 2 day ban
Why you should be unbanned: I joined a game of Titan and was the last person to join. I was the titan and left while the countdown was on 3 seconds however the game started and finished as soon as the loading screen finished loading. I Don't think this is fair :(

Re: Unban please - DIEDIE - Europe

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:10 pm
by Love
@DIEDIE It has happened to me where you leave after 3 seconds and it still puts you into the game then takes you out after load screen. Personally I would unban you but I will leave it up to the Mod who passed the sentence. Also your stay percentage is lowish but still. Just avoid leaving late into the countdown so you don't have this issue again :)

Re: Unban please - DIEDIE - Europe

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:05 pm
by Teebs
I agree that this doesn't seem fair to an extent, but I think we should take this into consideration.

When you join Island Defense there is a chance to be the Titan of course, and that's part of the game. You shouldn't join in the first place if you are afraid of being titan. And in any case, the bot has to ping you first and then you have a whole 10 seconds. Something tells me you were having the angel and devil on your shoulder arguing if you should stay or not and left too late.

Re: Unban please - DIEDIE - Europe

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:12 pm
by Sat
Ban reduced to 12 hours.