Unban request - EvolutioN-

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Unban request - EvolutioN-

Postby Dustywood » Fri May 16, 2014 11:25 am

Battle.net username: EvolutioN- or Dustywood
Gamename: EvolutioN- or Dustywood
Situation: Banned
Why you should be unbanned: To be honest I'm not exactly sure why I'm banned, but if I could find out a reason I'd be happy to explain (if I could).

My best guess why I would be banned would either be because I was either "abusive" or "suspicious IP"

If I was banned for being abusive, that makes sense but I'd like to still play on the ENT servers so I do actually regret whatever I may have said.

If it was due to a suspicious IP or CD key, I recently moved house, bought a new CD key used the same account on a differnet internet connection on a dynamic IP that constantly changed.

Anyways, please let me know.


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Re: Unban request - EvolutioN-

Postby Virulence » Fri May 16, 2014 11:50 am


rangeban Asia :h.flip.co.nz
art)y 17 Oct 2013 17 Oct 2014 ban dodge
lionsblood wrote:...im a professional map maker...

Stealing others' work and calling it your own doesn't make you a professional map maker.

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Re: Unban request - EvolutioN-

Postby _Liberate » Mon May 19, 2014 11:57 am

Wait did they range ban or did the ban get transferred via rangeban's account? Could make a huge difference and a mess to sort out, with 60,000+ IPs banned..

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Re: Unban request - EvolutioN-

Postby karasu. » Tue May 20, 2014 12:03 am

It's not possible for 60,000+ ip's to be banned anymore. Our owner uakf.b fixed that. The burden of proof though is pretty high to get out of these types of bans. I wouldn't expect an unban unless you can prove it. I'm actually the reason he fixed it.

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Re: Unban request - EvolutioN-

Postby karasu. » Fri May 23, 2014 6:01 pm

It's been sitting here going on 3 days, can someone process this?

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Re: Unban request - EvolutioN-

Postby matdas » Fri May 23, 2014 6:27 pm

no respone, moving to processed. feel free to post another appeal

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