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Unban Please

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:26 am
by BlackDragon
Warcraft III username: blackdragon
Situation: tid 31888 (Refusing to votekick) (other)
Why you should be unbanned:

Second Edit, I accept that I was being spiteful in not agreeing to votekick since the other player was taking advantage and I really only refused to agree due to the attitude of the person initiating it. Though I would still support that the complaining player only brought this issue up out of spite as well, not for fair gameplay and therefore I should be unbanned.

Re: Unban Please

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:39 am
by aRt)Y
Refusing to votekick means you refused to vote to kick a player who intentionally violates rules. Tell us why you did that (viewtopic.php?t=31888).

Re: Unban Please

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:45 am
by BlackDragon
Sorry, made an edit to my post once I figured out what I was accused of. Please see the above, thank you.

One last thing, "blackdragon was also rude all game" as he commented in his post on here, his actions are clearly based on spite, not about rules. I don't like people who act like bullies in a game and this guy frankly rubbed me wrong and acted in such a way. That's all, thank you.

Re: Unban Please

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:10 pm
by matdas
denied. you clearly wanted to gain from his game ruining.