Wrongful ban from gameplayer as Admin

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Wrongful ban from gameplayer as Admin

Postby SilverDimi » Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:41 pm

Warcraft III username: Silverdimi
Realm: USEast
Situation: Forced to leave in game/suicide
Why you should be unbanned: I had two seconds left in lobby timer, and when I went to leave, the game force started. WyldCard says that I didn't leave the lobby, but I honestly did. This left me with two options that CurryMuncher would have posted a ban for me either ways. It was either suicide, or leave in game. I left at :11 seconds In Game to avoid having to suicide, as I was legitimately forced to play unfairly as a Titan. I stated, in lobby, TWICE, that I do not under any circumstances play as the Titan in any Island Defense. Wyldcard claims that I only said it Once, but unless he was physically in the lobby, then he was not present for my second statement.


Re: Wrongful ban from gameplayer as Admin

Postby child » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:23 pm

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Re: Wrongful ban from gameplayer as Admin

Postby Virulence » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:29 pm

Why are you lying?

The game didn't force start, your connection most likely lagged/got hung for those last two seconds. If you didn't wish to titan, you had about 10+ seconds to leave, PLUS the time where the bot was spoofchecking/pingchecking you before the countdown.

I never once said that you didn't leave the lobby.

Again, you have only stated it once.
[spoiler=Text from lobby chat][System]: *** player [SilverDimi] has joined the game
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: therealest, VoidSpartan, SilverDimi
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: therealest, VoidSpartan, SilverDimi
[VoidSpartan]: ^^
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: therealest, VoidSpartan, SilverDimi
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: therealest, VoidSpartan, SilverDimi
[D347H]: wu?
[SilverDimi]: put me as a defender...
[SilverDimi]: I don't do titan

[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: VoidSpartan, SilverDimi
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: VoidSpartan, SilverDimi
[Monzon]: stick together haha
[SilverDimi]: :I
[Monzon]: its so easy
[D347H]: and why u up still lolol
[therealest]: STAY OR GAY
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: SilverDimi
[SilverDimi]: AT ALL
[VoidSpartan]: sry guy
[System]: 10. . .
[System]: 9. . .
[Intensivity]: omg stay or gay
[System]: 8. . .
[System]: 7. . .
[System]: 6. . .
[System]: 5. . .
[System]: 4. . .
[System]: 3. . .
[Intensivity]: havent heard that in years
[therealest]: STAY OR GAY
[System]: 2. . .
[SilverDimi]: then i'm gay
[vajayj]: its different when its a friend who commits suicide
[System]: 1. . .
[System]: *** player [SilverDimi] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)[/spoiler]

Do you wish to try this again, but without the blatant lying this time?
lionsblood wrote:...im a professional map maker...

Stealing others' work and calling it your own doesn't make you a professional map maker.

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Re: Wrongful ban from gameplayer as Admin

Postby aRt)Y » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:34 pm

If you've the time to trash talk in lobby, rather than leaving, then that's clearly your own fault.

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