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Unban possibly?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:48 am
by Luvstospoon username:Luvstospoon
Gamename:i just caught an auto ban and I'm unsure of the gamename/ID
Bot username:ent69 the apem a-bal maybe, dont quote me im not positive
Situation:The past couple days its been really stormy around my house and my internet kept cutting out on me night before last i believe it was, and that caught me the autoban I'm sure.
Why you should be unbanned:It was a situation beyond my control, excepting maybe just not playing when i cant trust my internet? Now that i know about this auto ban stuff ill be more careful.. Any consideration into unbanning me would be greatly appreciated. Ty for your time.
(If i cant be unbanned knowing the length of the ban would be a splendid second best! ;P)

Re: Unban possibly?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:07 am
by ForMaDawgS
ill unban this time