Its not fair, i hate mh:ers and im not sure why i had mh at that time, provably to have fun with my friends on our own game but i think its forbidden when playing online vs others now but i cant defend what i did. What i did was wrong and i now you gotta punish cheaters but i think that every man has to get another chance in this case to prove that you have improved and learn from misstakes.
I think i wanna prove that i am a good guy and use my head next time. If i get unbanned i will write a contract with an admin that says that if i get caught cheating then you have the right to permaban me. I am really open for tips for me to redeem myself
I appreciate all the help and guideness as possible. You can easily reach me on my skype ; frippe9508 . For more info. Im up for donating or hunting down others to redeem myself. Everything to make me able to play wc3 custom games again cause honestly. Its either dota, legiontd or ent games on battlenet atm