unban me again.

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unban me again.

Postby Tenkaitachi » Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:44 am

Your Warcraft III username: Tenkaitachi
Realm/Gateway: US@EAST
Why are you banned: Because the bot kicked me.
Why you should be unbanned: I believe i should be unbanned because the bot kicked me. My network didn't freeze up neither did my computer, I found myself looking at the timer stuck at 16-17 seconds while i opened the menu all to find out that in the end that I was disconnected.

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Re: unban me again.

Postby TICTACTO » Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:53 am

i mentioned in my appeal post that ddos at this scale only happened ever since I started owning noobs in ent gaming. Why do ddos ers start attacking ent gaming? Yea, same reason. Because they got something against you. Or for fun. Either way, they want to f with you because they cant get something their way. right? ITS REVENGE. for getting owned .. or banned.. right?
My question is . why should other people get banned for their short comings?

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Re: unban me again.

Postby BeepBoopBeep » Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:23 am


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