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Unban me

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:47 pm
by Arsalon
Your Warcraft III username: NinCopy
Realm/Gateway: Northrend/Europe
Why are you banned: Activated -froff without conscent
Why you should be unbanned: Because that game was first of all a dead end... There were 3-4 people who agreed including me... Toxi- i think the name of the admin was that... He just banned me for a game that was shitty anyways and people weren't even mad about the -froff....
It was a silly ban and i will upload the game including chat if u want proves?

Hope that someone will talk to the admin about the rules and how far to go with them. Rules are there for reason, but under circumstances the rules seem silly... That's my oppinion...

Best Regards NinCopy(NWU KING)

Re: Unban me

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:24 am
by Hatedmaru
you got banned here:


However @Arsalon you might wanna check the rule you broke meanwhile as well (Take your time to read the others as well :) ):

Ban-able Offenses: Player enables game modes -gc, froff, -exp/dxp without 60% of the other players' consensus.

Re: Unban me

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:11 am
by Haunt
11:37 [Allies] MrBigDik: froff? LOL
11:40 [Allies] TheLastDefender: yea
11:59 [Allies] BetrayalWolf: froff this bitch
12:05 [Allies] NinCopy: -froff

4/10 agreed to -froff.

You still think you did nothing wrong?

Re: Unban me

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:12 pm
by Arsalon
the others didn't even say anything and there was only 1 who didn't agree to troff and that was toxi while the others stayed passive....
so no i don't think i was wrong...

But rules are rules, so will just have to accept the punishment...

Re: Unban me

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:41 pm
by Haunt
To be honest, I was against it, and so was Toxi. We just didn't get the chance to voice our opinions as there wasn't really any real vote about it and at least I was busy doing something else.

The ban expires in 6.5 hours (17 Dec 2014 01:17:44 MSK)