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Banned by Rias_gremory for Unjust Reason.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:55 am
by BetaTestedUrWife
Your Warcraft III username: Uzumaki[MN]
Realm/Gateway: East
Why are you banned: No reason
Why you should be unbanned: Because I was banned unjustly

I was banend by rias_gremory for no apparent reason, I remember ive onyl played 1 game with him and ill admit i complained once or twice if he could by any chance kick me since i was solo on team and the game was obviously over he said no, and I was fine with that, he then ended the game himself, by destroying barracks on anime fantasy 2.9 so the game was over, Im wondering if he banend me for the fact i cimplained once or twice or just any other reason because thats about all I did and ive been told hes done this several tiems aswell.

Re: Banned by Rias_gremory for Unjust Reason.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:18 am
by F-Train
I see that you play anime maps. This <rias_gremory> guy probably used !ban on you because he doesn't want you to join his games. There is nothing we can do about that. You can still join every other game. You see, everyone has their own personal banlist. You can !ban people and they won't be able to join your games.

Re: Banned by Rias_gremory for Unjust Reason.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:32 am
by BetaTestedUrWife
Okay I guess :/, im sorry if this comes off as a bit nooby, but do you mind informing me what map name i used to host anime fantasy 2.9? I know how to do the whole /w clan.enterprise and thigns, but idk the map name for anime fantasy 2.9 ;/. I would love to start hsoting my own games! :D

Re: Banned by Rias_gremory for Unjust Reason.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:36 am
by F-Train
Here is the host guide:
If you have any further questions, you may ask a staff on chat.

Anime fantasy game:
List of added maps:

Moving to processed.