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Regular Player

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:06 pm
by selavy59
Warcraft III username: wedtyjui
Bot username:
Why you should be unbanned: Fuck You

There is a dwindling pool of players on w3. i'm a regular player and only leave when all is very obviously lost. SO FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR IMBECILIC BAN YOU BUNCH OF FUCKING MORONS.

PS Please ban me for life you gay twats.

Re: Regular Player

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:10 pm
by Nz.Death
LOL, Ok whats your name? and what game were u banned in , And what for ??

Re: Regular Player

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:13 pm
by Hisoka
Thank you for your kind words, Despite you I have good manners when I ASK something and when I ANSWER Something.

Again, your ban will expire in 40 minutes, according to the Expiration time at 22:52.
Now I would have Unban you if you would have ask nicely and with no such temper and Manners.

The answer is NO. I am not going to Unban you. You will wait your next 40 Minutes of Ban time remaining.
About banning you forever for being aso "unmannered person" well the answer is No.
I'm not going to ban you forever, cause i am a Nice Person and Not a raging Flaming "Kid/Guy or whatever Else"

Lesson for your Future: "Good Manners always bring Positive Rewards. Bad Manners lead you to autodestruction."

EDIT: @N.Zdeath For Leaving a Obliviously Lost Game so " Leaver autoban " is the reason.