banned cause my friend is a douche

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Erected Naps
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Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:47 pm

banned cause my friend is a douche

Postby Erected Naps » Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:50 am

Your Warcraft III username: Ganjafarmer
Realm/Gateway: east coast?
Why are you banned: leaving games early
Why you should be unbanned: i was not even in the room my friend was playing the game i told him to create a new acc as to not mess with mine
little did i kno that i guess your ban service tracks ips (pretty smart actually) so we both go the ban i dont leave games early unless it is an emergency. and if you give me a second chance ill prove it to you (plus he is gone so we should be all good) i ask that you lift the ban so i can resume playing on my account thank you.


Re: banned cause my friend is a douche

Postby Hatedmaru » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:03 am

@Erected%20Naps You should be able to play now.

Happy gaming :)


(00:45:06) Erected_Naps: hey guys
(00:46:12) Hyorinmaru.: Hi
(00:46:32) Hyorinmaru.: Also regarding the message you sent, which i only noticed now :p post a ban appeal first so that we can analyze it :p
(00:46:47) Erected_Naps: how?
(00:47:09) Hyorinmaru.:​forum.php?f=7 - Post new topic, fill in your information and don't delete the format :)=
(00:47:12) Hyorinmaru.: :) *
(00:47:15) Erected_Naps: ty
(00:47:20) Hyorinmaru.: np
(00:47:34) Erected_Naps: my friend fuked me i didnt realize this game even banned like that
(00:48:30) Hyorinmaru.: yep, the bans are done by IP, reason why you also got affected from it :p Just wondering from that message: i'm assuming you use a different account?
(00:50:25) Erected_Naps: yes
(00:50:42) Erected_Naps: actually could not find my old acc never bothered to do that email part we both made new accounts
(00:50:54) Hyorinmaru.: "banned cause my friend is a douche" sounds legit xD LOL :p
(00:51:18) Erected_Naps: lol yea he is kept just leaving evrey time he would start to lose
(00:51:58) Hyorinmaru.: Hmmm the name you gave "Ganjafarmer" got no recent games, you haven't played for a while or?
(00:52:10) ChatBot: F-Train logs into the Chat.
(00:52:17) Erected_Naps: i have not played at all
(00:52:22) Erected_Naps: i used commandernoob at first
(00:52:31) Hyorinmaru.: ah now that explains it :p
(00:52:34) Erected_Naps: cause that was my acc name back in the day
(00:52:41) Erected_Naps: but ppl kept calling me noob
(00:52:47) ChatBot: Noobee has been logged out (Timeout).
(00:52:51) Erected_Naps: i was like way to judge a book by its cover
(00:53:05) Erected_Naps: so i changed it to ganjafarmer and thats when i discovered the ban
(00:53:20) Hyorinmaru.: Yep, sounds the typical "pubs" : !sd playername, and bam rage about it
(00:54:34) Erected_Naps: basically which is bs cause my old account was so good but yea half the time they go !lms and then ride on me even after i whoop them :)
(00:55:35) Erected_Naps: u guys ever host loap games?
(00:55:46) Hyorinmaru.: Life of a peasant i assume?
(00:55:56) Erected_Naps: yes sir
(00:56:24) Hyorinmaru.: :p Well i don't play it, but you can look around, theres lots of players hosting maps and you might find them:​s.php
(00:56:44) Hyorinmaru.: or else just host it urself following that guide i wrote on ur introduction topic, prolly theres a few who might join
(00:57:05) Erected_Naps: thx
(00:57:14) Erected_Naps: sooooooo how bout that ban?
(00:57:23) Hyorinmaru.: Hmm
(00:57:24) Erected_Naps: would realy like to hop into some ent servers
(00:57:33) Hyorinmaru.: You and him play on the same place right?
(00:57:39) Erected_Naps: no
(00:57:45) Erected_Naps: he comes over and drinks my beers
(00:57:55) Hyorinmaru.: and you take turns playing then?
(00:57:59) Erected_Naps: he came and played this but he does not have to
(00:58:04) Erected_Naps: its my computer and my house
(00:58:10) Erected_Naps: he can play my ps4
(00:58:16) Erected_Naps: ill play wc3
(00:58:47) Hyorinmaru.: He did play more than one time at ur house dind't he? :p
(00:58:55) Erected_Naps: yea
(00:59:01) Erected_Naps: he played all day today
(00:59:09) Erected_Naps: and a little yesterday i think
(00:59:20) Erected_Naps: i was playing hardline had just bought it
(00:59:33) close_confine: My 47 KDR
(00:59:38) close_confine: Lal
(00:59:39) Hyorinmaru.: kk, well your story sounds correct, so his ban is staying, you will be able to play though
(00:59:46) Hyorinmaru.: give me a few secs to process it :p
(00:59:48) Erected_Naps: how do you do that?
(00:59:53) Erected_Naps: with ip bans?
(01:00:08) Hyorinmaru.: Well the IP itself will be "free", his account ban will stay :P
(01:00:13) Erected_Naps: and thank you i appreciate it
(01:00:23) Erected_Naps: fuck em
(01:00:40) Erected_Naps: lol sorry dont know if i can curse on this forum
(01:00:47) Erected_Naps: my b if i cant
(01:01:27) Hyorinmaru.: Ok, try joining now
(01:01:32) Erected_Naps: k

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