Please unban, getting D/ced because of bad hosts
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:17 am
Your Warcraft III username :Anal_Leakage
Realm/Gateway: []
Why are you banned:I got D/ced from a bad host, might have been because host was all the way across the world or my internet might have went down, my university internet has been janky the past two days
Why you should be unbanned:I think I should be unbanned because it was an unfair autoban due to bad connection to host. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Realm/Gateway: []
Why are you banned:I got D/ced from a bad host, might have been because host was all the way across the world or my internet might have went down, my university internet has been janky the past two days
Why you should be unbanned:I think I should be unbanned because it was an unfair autoban due to bad connection to host. Any help would be greatly appreciated