Wrongfully banned
Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:33 pm
[b]Your Warcraft III username:[Tauren007]
[b]Why are you banned:[elofeeding]
[b]Why you should be unbanned:[Because I´m no eleo feeder and i realise too late that the game start but i dont understand for being banned because i tryed to draw the game to be fair and i also don´t ruin moshas game i give my best for him.
At 4:26 i said i strike and moshadius wasted his one
At 15:00 i was the first who start to cage against volcano and pyramid an nobody helps me
At 18:40 Moshadius had about 6-7 palas vs eraser wich makes no sense
First loose goes to Mosha for wasted rescue and mass vs eraser
Second round i play undead like i always do
(23:26 / Allied) Moshadius95: I'm not I just ask you politely to draw this game
(23:29 / Allied) Moshadius95: and I won't report you
(23:42 / Allied) T100Destructor: !draw
(23:58 / Allied) 3388225: !draw
(24:35 / Allied) OVanKillerratO: !draw
We try to draw the game to be fair but one random dindn`t
AT(32:34 / Allied) Moshadius95: !undraw
At:38:31 i start to cage out eraser with different units and i also dont sync my untis that not all become killed by eraser
Moshadius mass again axemaster and shamis vs eraser fail
At:41:41 Moshadius starts another spellcodo cage vs two erasers epic fail
At :43:31 He starts ah grunt cage with 8 grunts wich is more volcano feed than helps for erasers]
and so on look the replay file:http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=5613269.w3g and you see i´m wronfully banned
[b]Why are you banned:[elofeeding]
[b]Why you should be unbanned:[Because I´m no eleo feeder and i realise too late that the game start but i dont understand for being banned because i tryed to draw the game to be fair and i also don´t ruin moshas game i give my best for him.
At 4:26 i said i strike and moshadius wasted his one
At 15:00 i was the first who start to cage against volcano and pyramid an nobody helps me
At 18:40 Moshadius had about 6-7 palas vs eraser wich makes no sense
First loose goes to Mosha for wasted rescue and mass vs eraser
Second round i play undead like i always do
(23:26 / Allied) Moshadius95: I'm not I just ask you politely to draw this game
(23:29 / Allied) Moshadius95: and I won't report you
(23:42 / Allied) T100Destructor: !draw
(23:58 / Allied) 3388225: !draw
(24:35 / Allied) OVanKillerratO: !draw
We try to draw the game to be fair but one random dindn`t
AT(32:34 / Allied) Moshadius95: !undraw
At:38:31 i start to cage out eraser with different units and i also dont sync my untis that not all become killed by eraser
Moshadius mass again axemaster and shamis vs eraser fail
At:41:41 Moshadius starts another spellcodo cage vs two erasers epic fail
At :43:31 He starts ah grunt cage with 8 grunts wich is more volcano feed than helps for erasers]
and so on look the replay file:http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=5613269.w3g and you see i´m wronfully banned