MasterLegionTD: me too
(00:40 / Allied) HanGame_: 와 망했다
(00:44 / Allied) milufer: need lvl 2 send if they dont send warriors
(00:46 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: i need 6income
(00:50 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: pris
(01:18 / Allied) Beflapje: -zoom 169
(01:20 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 아지겨워진다
(01:21 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 레기온
(01:23 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 막판해야겠네염
(01:24 / Allied) Curdi:
(01:33 / Allied) HanGame_: 네
(01:36 / Allied) Curdi:
(02:14 / Allied) GoldenRatio: please try wait for furb if you can
(02:26 / Allied) milufer: aww too close here
(02:30 / Allied) milufer: 0,1 sec
(02:31 / Allied) milufer:
(02:44 / Allied) GoldenRatio: ah, was time
(02:49 / Allied) GoldenRatio: you re just a pussy ^^
(02:52 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 오늘 아쿠아 로데 아처 프리즈너
(02:53 / Allied) Curdi: pink
(02:55 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 일케떳네 ㅋ
(02:58 / Allied) milufer:
(03:02 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: send
(03:06 / Allied) Curdi: nice work
(03:09 / Allied) Curdi: excellent team play
(03:14 / Allied) Galbatorix: sry
(03:18 / Allied) Galbatorix: telefon
(03:49 / Allied) Curdi: living must be hard for you if talking on the phone requires 100% of your concentration
(04:08 / Allied) Galbatorix: im typing dude
(04:25 / Allied) Curdi: I can see that
(04:27 / Allied) Curdi: So am I
(04:30 / Allied) GoldenRatio: 5 looks promising so far
(05:57 / Allied) HanGame_: 내가 렉인가..?
(06:06 / Allied) Curdi:
(06:10 / Allied) Curdi: ?
(06:41 / Allied) Galbatorix: you takl about team play and typing what i cant read so....
(06:46 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 아 일꾼왜케 많이뽑앗지 ㅋㅋ
(07:07 / Allied) Tmaen: so 5 with mass herms ?
(07:07 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 미쳤다나
(07:09 / Allied) Curdi: You are not supposed to read blank spaces
(07:11 / Allied) Curdi: Just a heads up
(07:12 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 5/1 스톱햇어야댓는데
(07:13 / Allied) GoldenRatio: nah
(07:16 / Allied) Curdi: Don't try too hard
(07:17 / Allied) milufer: wait for skill
(07:21 / Allied) GoldenRatio: wait king ability
(07:29 / Allied) GoldenRatio: and then 1 bo each
(07:49 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 아흘리나
(08:03 / Allied) GoldenRatio: ?
(08:05 / Allied) GoldenRatio: wtf
(08:06 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 망햇당
(08:10 / Allied) GoldenRatio: never seen that
(08:15 / Allied) Beflapje: gnoll ghoul harpy komodo dark priest
(08:17 / Allied) GoldenRatio: what did you do wrong
(08:20 / Allied) milufer: unlucky
(08:28 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: send
(08:30 / Allied) GoldenRatio: lol usually 3 pris always hold
(08:34 / Allied) GoldenRatio: i m confused
(08:35 / Allied) milufer: yeh :/
(08:37 / Allied) GoldenRatio: did they send something?
(08:41 / Allied) milufer: now ill leak 5 aswell
(08:46 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 돈부족행
(08:52 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 14원모잘라
(08:52 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: ㅠㅠ
(08:53 / Allied) Tmaen: so ?
(09:00 / Allied) GoldenRatio: send a bo
(09:02 / Allied) GoldenRatio: rest king
(09:39 / Allied) HanGame_: 2블오
(09:41 / Allied) HanGame_: 아 짜증
(10:27 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: yellow 1
(10:58 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: they skill see?
(11:01 / Allied) Curdi: sw
(11:28 / Allied) GoldenRatio: what king ability did they have?
(11:43 / Allied) Beflapje: didnt check
(11:46 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: -king
(11:53 / Allied) GoldenRatio: did anyone pay attention
(11:58 / Allied) GoldenRatio: i was managing king
(12:00 / Allied) GoldenRatio: sorry
(12:11 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: stop att
(12:12 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: ;;
(12:16 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: hp up
(12:22 / Allied) GoldenRatio: go king attack 11
(13:39 / Allied) GoldenRatio: i d rr btw red
(13:47 / Allied) Beflapje: 3th roll?
(13:52 / Allied) Beflapje: 50/50
(14:28 / Allied) GoldenRatio: more yolo red
(14:32 / Allied) Beflapje: blue next
(14:40 / Allied) milufer: -king
(15:50 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: lumber up
(15:59 / Allied) MasterLegionTD: 노랑개병신이네
(16:05 / Allied) HanGame_: 음..
see hangame_ masterlegion
talking -_- no two id