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Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:05 am
by TinSoldier
Your Warcraft III username: TinSoldier
Realm/Gateway: West
Why are you banned: merc
Why you should be unbanned: I accidentally clicked merc, and after some delay was unable to cancel it. Anyway, XXXDESTROYERXXX would not have drawn the game for my team, which we had a clear win and so rather than letting the other team win 100% 3v4 on 17, I stayed without building any merc units except for what I had already built prior to changing. Thus, although I merced I didn't use the builder and thus technically I feel there should be no reason to ban me, especially considering that XXXDESTROYERXXX is just mad that he lost that match.
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:48 am
by inQ
Reasonable appeal. I think there should be a rule that if u merc by accident, you could stay as long as you dont build merc units and if ur team agrees. If i up pre existing units, i'm not breaking any rules by building merc units. You can still help the team by sending
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:56 am
by Arii
@iiStyLesPicking merc in 1200+ is bannable. It doesn't matter what you thought when you accidentally chose merc or did afterwards. The rules clearly state " Do not use Mercenary. If a player accidentally switches to merc, he/she must leave the game immediately."
Anyways, back on topic, you were actually banned for votekick abuse in topic: was not breaking a rule for not picking prophet. Red failed to set the mode due to afk which means it was up to you to decide which builder to use. Apparently you decided to start a kick on someone who did not break a rule, but rather decided to continue playing regardless of the incident.
Any comments?
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:09 am
by TinSoldier
Oh well thanks for clearing that up. In regards to that game, we had a few players afk when it started and so a few of us were trying to pause to give them time. Teal kept unpausing despite numerous warnings from several players. In addition, when red failed to put mode, teal picked paladin instead of prophet. For his attempts at game ruining I feel that votekick was justified and necessary.
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:32 am
by Arii
@iiStyLesWhen you start a votekick, you are required to state a valid reason for the kick. The reason you chose was picking paladin instead of prophet, which is not against ENT rules because red failed to insert the mode, therefore making the kick unjust. Unpausing to continue with the game isn't bannable either. How can you justify this?
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:01 am
by maj
Just passing by saying i would totally have drawn if you had left and/or excused for flaming me. Also would like to point out how in the chat he totaly knew the rule and also called to be reported willingly. Not building actually changes the game, also (you leak more in a race huh?), it's not like it doesn't affect the outcome.
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:30 pm
by TinSoldier
It wasn't even a race... we held our side and I would have too if I didn't have 1200 gold... I said sorry to the lobby for going merc and you tried to be a little shitstain telling me to "apologize to the mighty destroyer".
And destroyer if it were anyone else, I'd believe you but you have repeatedly refused to draw for free elo.
@arii The teal that game unpaused the game despite knowing that numerous people were afk including red and so because of HIM we were unable to properly start the game. When he refused to cooperate by repeatedly unpausing he was GAME RUINING. At this point me and Rock started the votekick against him because he deserved it.
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:07 pm
by maj
It was an example, you don't seem to be able to understand, ofc you held, but there's a reason why when you go merc you have to leave, and not just "i wont build" gonna suffice.
Rest are just sad lies from a guy who is often banned, good luck with your appeal, i am sure you'll end up back here very soon anyway
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:41 pm
by TinSoldier
Example of what? I could have played the exact same scenario without going merc and we still would have won the game and not clogged like you did with 50+ leaks. I offered to draw the game even though we were gonna win 100% despite my merc, and you refused. Explain to me how going merc changed anything given that I did not build.
ENT likes to enforce its rules without regard to context and so people like you use it to your benefit. Its okay that you lost so terribly against euros with a stacked team, enjoy your petty revenge.
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:20 pm
by Merex
@iiStyLes There are rules and guidelines that everyone must follow regardless of the ''context''. It's a simple process to follow rules and when you started a votekick against teal for choosing a builder he wanted perfectly fine, you went outside those rules. When you decided to pick Mercenary in 1200+ when the rules state not to pick it or
leave immediately after and you don't follow, you went outside those rules. We enforce rules as strictly as we do partially because of incidents like this where you think it's ok, and it's not.
Please go over to our wiki (direct link in my signature) and find both our LTD/General rules and paste the links of which you read so I know you've done such and are willing to cooperate on your appeal. The moderator(s) whom banned you will be notified shortly after to state their response/decision.
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:17 am
by BeepBoopBeep
Obvious question, why didn't you leave?
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:38 am
by TinSoldier
@beepboopbeepI did not leave because I was certain that Purple (XXXDESTROYERXXX) would not have drawn the game for my team. We were going to win that game 100% and so when purple wouldn't agree to draw it I said i'd rather not guarantee my teams loss by leaving. In the back of my head, I assumed by not building any merc units this would exempt me from needing to leave the match as it did change the inevitable outcome.
@av1on forward to cooperating.
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:09 am
by BeepBoopBeep
It's irrelevant if somebody's would have drawn, because it's not enforced. You blatantly stayed in the game, where the rule state's clearly you must leave. You assumed wrong. Clearly getting the Win was more important then you following the rules.
So currently you're banned for votekick abuse and swapping to mercenary and refusing to leave.
So I'll ask the question again, Why should you be unbanned?
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:21 am
by Straya
The rule is pretty stupid. As long as the merc doesn't build he doesn't negatively affect the game so this should be an option as an alternative to leaving.
Re: Banned for Merc
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:56 am
by RadiantCrystal
@Straya no, that's incorrect. If merc stays the team will receive 1 additional wave with no defender, whereas if he leaves only 3 lanes will get creeps with proper defense. Not to mention the possibility to abuse the additional wave. So, no, the rule is just and not stupid