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Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:54 am
by IgnoreAnts
Your Warcraft III username: IgnoreAnts
Why are you banned: Apparently I purposely refused to Heal a king in Legion Td
Why you should be unbanned: Because I was controlling the King and didn't notice that it was my turn to heal, then realized too late and misclicked. I think it is totally pathetic that I receive a ban for something there is no proof of. Admins should not abuse power just for the ego boost.

Re: Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:40 pm
by IgnoreAnts
Also the fact that it's been 2 days and I'm still banned means this admin gave over a 24 hour ban for something which he has no proof of. And something which even if was done on purpose (which it wasn't) still wouldn't merit a 2 day ban without warning. The power abuse is real.

Re: Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:01 pm
Here's the ban request on you. ... 52#p260252

Not healing the King is always a 2 days ban from what I see around the forums.

The rule is Refusing/Avoiding to heal so it doesn't have to be on purpose.

Re: Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:15 pm
by HazarDous
IgnoreAnts wrote:Also the fact that it's been 2 days and I'm still banned means this admin gave over a 24 hour ban for something which he has no proof of. And something which even if was done on purpose (which it wasn't) still wouldn't merit a 2 day ban without warning. The power abuse is real.


Post a ban appeal, this is a human mistake. Explain why you didn't heal and you should be unbanned without any problem.

Edit: Sorry, thought I was on ban request section.

Wait for a mod to look at this appeal :)

Re: Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:15 pm
by IgnoreAnts
Ye the rule is refusing/avoiding to heal the king. Please tell me how exactly from this replay you can deduce that I did anything on purpose. I wrote nothing. It was clearly human error. And to get a 2 day ban without any warning is pathetic.

The fact that some flaming kid on my team can just spam reports on a website and get me banned from all ENT games for 2 days for doing nothing is an absolute disgrace. Your admins are clearly over zealous in using their power.

Re: Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:22 am
by Larz
So you are asking to be unbanned when you broke a rule at the same time you are calling the mods/admins overzealous with out power while asking for us to be nice and un ban you for a rule you broke

Re: Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:36 am
by IgnoreAnts
I broke no rule. The rule is refusing/avoiding to heal the king, implying it's intentional; as in this case it was an unintentional mistake as I didn't notice it was my heal as I was controlling the king, it's pretty fair to say the admin in this case has been extremely over zealous with his power. The replay shows 0 evidence that I did anything on purpose. So ye you tell me the answer.

Re: Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:39 am
by Arii
10:17 <Beskfar> 0x12: Target order: holybolt (X: 3459.19, Y: -3196.87, Target: 0x0000298A0000298A, flags: 0x0044) (yellow)
28:28 <Lano_BR> 0x12: Target order: holybolt (X: 3462.97, Y: -3293.76, Target: 0x0000298A0000298A, flags: 0x0044) (orange)

@IgnoreAnts The proof is here. Generally, teams heal in color order, unless they are asked to be skipped, meaning your heal was next. If you were controlling the king, you should have notified your team to skip your heal, so you could heal last.

You were banned for 2 days because you showed no intentions of healing. If you had clicked your builder seconds before or after the king died, there would be a lighter consequence (since that would have shown intention). Unfortunately, you did not show any of that here.

Also, If you'd like to be unbanned, I suggest you improve your attitude, and not accuse a mod (who did nothing but go by the book) of abuse. Thank you

Anyways, your ban expires tomorrow.
Any comments?


Re: Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:46 am
by IgnoreAnts
It doesn't matter how many of your moderators gang together to justify this blatant misuse of power. The rule is refusing/avoiding to heal the king. No matter what you say unless you can't understand English the wording of this rule implies intent to not heal; and as I made a mistake and you have no proof of my intent sorry you are wrong here. If you have no manners and can't simply say 'sorry' it's fine with me. But don't make jumps to justify what is obviously untrue.
The point is also not when my ban expires, I don't mind not playing a 12 year old game for 2 days, I just detest people who misuse power as some sort of way to boost tiny egos instead of being fair human beings.

Re: Banned for incorrect reason with no proof.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:48 am
by Merex
If 2 moderators can't convince you of what you did wrong, clearly you need 2 days.
