???? i want to know
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:33 am
Your Warcraft III username: serb, stylishserb ,buldozer , vladdblad @useast and kudaideovajsvet , mladi_pedofilko @server.eurobattle.net
Realm/Gateway: useast and server.eruobattle.net
Why are you banned: @Cambrioleur ?
Why you should be unbanned: first i want to know why i am baned? i didnt break any rule. i wanted to play and its says name of admin and range ban RD TID=64881
Realm/Gateway: useast and server.eruobattle.net
Why are you banned: @Cambrioleur ?
Why you should be unbanned: first i want to know why i am baned? i didnt break any rule. i wanted to play and its says name of admin and range ban RD TID=64881