Unban Please - igx_bingo

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Unban Please - igx_bingo

Postby igx_bingo » Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:53 pm

Your Warcraft III username: igx_bingo
Realm/Gateway: Europe
Why are you banned: Was playing Legion TD and had 2 leavers on my team, then after the team !ff and we left and got banned.
Why you should be unbanned: Play ENT server only and always abide by the rules. Unfortunate to get banned on this occasion.

Thanks :)

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Re: Unban Please - igx_bingo

Postby KinG23 » Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:45 pm


You weren't banned for leaving. It seems you are trying to play using a proxy, which we do not allow on ENT. Turn off the proxy and you will be able to play games.

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