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Jabba41 not fit to be a moderator?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:55 am
by cheesepies
Your Warcraft III username: pikachushyshy
Realm/Gateway: useast
Why are you banned: votekick
Why you should be unbanned: Jabba41 are you serious? The game draw because goldeni did not even build a single siege when he is the only builder with ranged siege. It is pretty clear that all players are aware of it as it's been told in ALL CHAT. It's not a "VOTEKICK WITHOUT REASON" 30 minutes time wasted because he is stubborn and refuse to get a single siege.

I sense bias from you for making that ban.. Can other moderator review Jabba41 if he is fit being a fair moderator?

Case 1:
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Castle Fight! #0
Your Warcraft III Username: goldeni
Violator's Warcraft III Username: pikachushyshy,r-r,wert,benatout
Violated Rule(s): votekick with no reason
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 23:45
Any further thoughts:well i didnt wanted to mass elf siege cause he started to flame and also didnt mass banshees, what is very good vs wisps cause of the spell resisdence and stuff they can we rlly good to catch the dmg, my elf siege would be killed my tidal easylie so i wanted to mass heal and air

Case 2 handled by jabba41: fr3aK was received warning instead of ban when he refused vote kick hu1ksmash who intended to ruin the game
since the very start. Other mods would have given ban to fr3ak but jabba41 is farking around.
Replay Link: ... 075300.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Castle Fight! #26
Your Warcraft III Username: pikachushyshy
Violator's Warcraft III Username: hu1ksmash
Violated Rule(s): ruin game, afk
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): first second
Any further thoughts: This guy attempt to ruin the game after the first building. He ruined the first round by going afk. we are doing well during the 2nd round with bots but he returned and just let the builder idle not building anything. We told him that we will report him but he treat it as a joke. We could have kicked him out during the first round but blue refuse to kick.

Re: Jabba41 not fit to be a moderator?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:15 am
by Lord-Miles
Is that an Unban request or Complain against Jabba41?

Re: Jabba41 not fit to be a moderator?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:39 am
by cheesepies

Re: Jabba41 not fit to be a moderator?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:35 pm
by LittlePine
If its a complaint then post it here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Re: Jabba41 not fit to be a moderator?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:57 pm
by Merex
So ignoring whatever you posted in case #2 and looking straight at how you were banned, it looks like votekick abuse to me.
(22:56 / All) benatout: why want to kick him ?
(23:19 / All) PikachuShyShy: he is a moron.. he fucking refuse to get seige and said its our problem that we cant push

How is that a legitimate reason to kick a player out of the game? He wasn't breaking any rules, he was just playing the game.

Going on to the later votekick by R-R:
(23:45 / Allied) R-R: !votekick gol
(23:53 / All) R-R: wil be euqal
(23:56 / All) R-R: 2v2
(24:10 / All) PikachuShyShy: make it balance
(24:11 / All) PikachuShyShy: 2 v 2

That's not even a legitimate reason either. I think you should read over the VK rules before attempting to appeal your short duration ban, along with the others of that game.

@Jabba41 isn't biased for banning you 1 day for votekicking under the reasoning ''to make it balanced.''

Re: Jabba41 not fit to be a moderator?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:53 pm
by cheesepies
Av1on stop twisting the main reason why the vote kick was made. Killer kuert was an experienced player and he was in the top stat list in Castle fight, his score got removed due to cheating. He is well aware that we can't bring the tower down without his siege.. He do not care about losing ever since his score got deleted. He have always been using new names when he play castle fight.

Also I am asking a different moderator to review Jabba's action please do not post unnecessary ignorant idiotic bias post. Leave it to the other moderator to decide. Thanks.