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Plz unban. (Re-appeal)

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:19 am
by SUbZER0
Your Warcraft III username: SubZER0
Realm/Gateway: Europe
Why are you banned: previously banned for gameruin
Why you should be unbanned: radiantcystal told me to wait 10 more days after the first appeal and now i just wanna re-appeal and hope you guys show some forgiveness because i just wanna play some lod with some friends. I learn my lesson and will play better in the community now, theres is a ton of players on this ip range too so please unban, I promise no more trouble will occurred. pinky swear ;)

Re: Plz unban. @RadiantCystal

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:32 am
by HazarDous

Re: Plz unban. (Re-appeal)

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:49 am
by SUbZER0
yes it was my fault, it was wrong for me to retaliate his action although i called mid first, but then like u guys mention their is no rules for lane calling.. not sure if its also consider game ruining if someone is stealing a lane and leeching on purpose but yes i should of been the bigger guy and left mid for another lane even though i called it first. but my action was unacceptable and wrong afterward because it was somewhat like a retaliation. I understand what i did was wrong and i caused a ton of people on this ip range banned as well. Hope you guys can forgive and this will never happen again. From now on i will be the bigger guy if something like this happen again, so if someone try to ruin the game i wont retaliate, like lane stealing.. ill just move to another lane. I hope you understand and accept this apology. im sry k please unban

Re: Plz unban. (Re-appeal)

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:59 am
by SUbZER0
well if you were asking why, at the time i was having a ton of bad games like a streak of bad games. I was at 1500 elo's and dropped to 1200.. just been losing and people are throwing game on purpose.. that was the real reason but then again retaliating wont solve the problem. I understand not all game will be good and sometimes things happen. ill be playing better accordingly from now on.

Re: Plz unban. (Re-appeal)

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:36 pm
by RadiantCrystal

You need to give an explanation to your actions in each of the 3 games explicitly and state which of your actions violated our rules. Thanks

Re: Plz unban. (Re-appeal)

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:59 pm
by SUbZER0
first one i game ruined because the guy steal mid which i shouldnt of have done and like i stated before i should of have been the bigger guy and left for another lane, second one you can see that chaos knight was stealing runes even the very first rune for 500 gold although he knew i had greed and the team agreed that i should get it so i could carry the team.. but again yes i was wrong for votekicking him, third game i try my best to carry the team but team wont help me push if u watch replay so the other team got too strong and out carry us so i afk because it was pretty much over if you consider.. it was late in the game and they have too many carrys..but again i should of have never afk and should of kept trying and never give up on yes i was wrong again.

Re: Plz unban. (Re-appeal)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:11 am
by F-Train
I am glad you have acknowledged the rules you've broken. Hope you keep your promise :)

Considering this your first offense for game ruining & you've served 12 days, I'm unbanning you this time.