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Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:52 am
by __Sylvanas__
Your Warcraft III username: TheTrueSylvanas
Realm/Gateway: USEast
Why are you banned: Votekick abuse
Why you should be unbanned:
I understand what I did was wrong and I apologise for breaking the rules. This will not happen again. I've never broken a rule at ENT and I never will again.
May I be unbanned please? ... ming:Rules ... ng:IDRules

Re: TheTrueSylvanas@USEast

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:12 am
by Merex
What rule did you break? And how can you assure me it won't happen again?

Re: TheTrueSylvanas@USEast

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:17 am
by __Sylvanas__
I didn't realize it was a rule and I know that I am required to read the rules prior to playing. I broke this rule: ... ng:VKRules
"and do not !votekick without proper reasons"

I apologise for the misunderstanding. It won't happen again because I have know seen this rule and others.

Re: TheTrueSylvanas@USEast

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:34 am
by Titan_Loser
Such an honest and genuine post. I feel so bad you were banned in the first place :(

Re: TheTrueSylvanas@USEast

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:36 am
by __Sylvanas__
Thank you :) i didn't know the rule before and now i understand i hope the mods see this :) I made a mistake and learned from it :)

Re: TheTrueSylvanas@USEast

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:24 am
by Neco
The votekick is invalid as per ... ng:VKRules.


Do not abuse !votekick: its only purpose is to kick game ruiners who violate ENT's rules and negatively impact the game for either or both teams in the game
It's obvious that the Titan refusing to learn or play was negatively impacting the Defender side (as they votekicked him out).

If a votekick is initiated to kick a visible game ruiner, all players are obligated to !yes.
Everyone was obligated to type !yes, as per this rule.

It is possible to game ruin by being new. In this case, votekick will only be valid if the new player refuses to learn and cooperate. Just because someone is a newbie or bad does not mean he is intentionally game ruinning.
borrate did not speak communicate during the entire game, even when offered advice (which he did not take).

You are free to refuse to votekick someone when there is lack of evidence/visible rule violation. However, communicate your decision via all chat, too.
No one had anything to say against it, it was unanimous.

Kicks and bans are enforced based on how severe the rule has been violated.
2/3 days for this seems pretty severe, do you agree that this case is worth the severity?

Note: this is purely in reference to the ban due to votekicking, I don't agree with either sides actions afterwards.

Re: TheTrueSylvanas@USEast

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:27 am
by __Sylvanas__
now im unsure what rule i have broken if i have broken any rule as the rule no longer makes scene :( i need clarification on if i broke a rule or not :O

Re: TheTrueSylvanas@USEast

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:02 am
by Merex
@Neco I'm unsure if you've actually seen the chatlog itself. So allow me to present you with my side -
Do not abuse !votekick: its only purpose is to kick game ruiners who violate ENT's rules and negatively impact the game for either or both teams in the game

I didn't know a new player to Island Defense was ruining the game..? How exactly was a player playing titan negatively impacting the game..?

If a votekick is initiated to kick a visible game ruiner, all players are obligated to !yes.

And again, he was a new player and was given vague advice by only 1 player and kicked less than a minute of said communication. Unless the titan was purposely sitting on the mound not doing a single thing, then it's obviously not game ruining.

It is possible to game ruin by being new. In this case, votekick will only be valid if the new player refuses to learn and cooperate. Just because someone is a newbie or bad does not mean he is intentionally game ruinning.

He downloaded the map, he was using heal while killing mid-walls, I think that calls for being new. Exactly what advice did he refuse? A new player cannot fully comrehend ID-related terms, the advice was little instructed if any.

You are free to refuse to votekick someone when there is lack of evidence/visible rule violation. However, communicate your decision via all chat, too.

There wasn't any communication via all chat and there was lack of evidence during a votekick in which not even a proper reason was stated..?

Neco I'm honestly surprised you're so quick to fight the side of ShadowZz without further recognizing the case yourself.

Re: TheTrueSylvanas@USEast

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:04 am
by Merex
@__Sylvanas__ As per carrying on your appeal, yes a rule was broken but since you have made this much cooperation, I will just lift the ban now.

I advise you to tread carefully when participating in votekicks of the future against inexperienced players.
