Your Warcraft III username:
Why are you banned:
admin: anotherworld
Why you should be unbanned:
maphack doesn't work with new patch
ban appeal, new patch, 1 year ban
Moderator: ENT Staff
Re: ban appeal, new patch, 1 year ban
So; if maphack, in some way shape or form ever works, will you mh again?
Where have you been playing since you've been banned? Have you played on our bots?
List names you have used
Last time you played
Do you understand why we administer bans for mh? Elaborate.
So; if maphack, in some way shape or form ever works, will you mh again?
Where have you been playing since you've been banned? Have you played on our bots?
List names you have used
Last time you played
Do you understand why we administer bans for mh? Elaborate.
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