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Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 1:02 pm
by nestharus
Your Warcraft III username: nestharus
Realm/Gateway: Northrend/Europe and Lordaeron/USWest
Why are you banned: left a game of Legion TD
Why you should be unbanned: Beginner at Legion TD. Asked for help from team. Team ignored me and then wanted me to be kicked. I asked if they wanted me to leave since votekick wasn't going through. One said yes and it was clear that the rest of the team felt the same way, so I did. I let everyone know in lobby and at the start of the game that I was a beginner and said that I could leave if they did not want to deal with me. I got swept up in the autoban as a result. I have a test scheduled later today (May 12th at 6:00 pm PST) for a library on using ENT service, so if we can please get the ban lifted before then : (. If ENT prohibits beginners from joining their publicly hosted games, I can refrain from joining them in the future. I wonder if the people on my team broke ENT rules by initiating votekick on a player that was doing everything they could to cooperate with the team.

replay ->
list of games -> ... nestharus/

excerpt of chat

[nestharus]: hi guys, I am a beginner. Is this ok?
[nestharus]: or do you want me to leave?
[MightHold]: Just cross with orange ;)
[nestharus]: ok
[nestharus]: I look forward to your guidance on my team :)
[MightHold]: or do what electro tells you to do
[nestharus]: Sure.

- GAME -

(00:01 / Allied) nestharus: so I have a little idea ^_^
(00:25 / Allied) nestharus: hmm
(00:27 / Allied) nestharus: maybe I don't o-o
(00:54 / Allied) nestharus: servant or captain..
(00:58 / Allied) Kekerz: cross?
(01:03 / Allied) nestharus: i am lost..
(01:16 / Allied) nestharus: don't know which to build..
(01:17 / Allied) nestharus: 10 seconds
(01:28 / Allied) nestharus: welp, guess nothing then
(01:30 / Allied) ElectroRavener: yellow
(01:36 / Allied) ElectroRavener: building nothing
(01:38 / All) iTzhEcTiK: !draw
(01:40 / Allied) Kekerz: !draw
(01:40 / Allied) nestharus: I said for 1 minute
(01:43 / Allied) nestharus: that I didn't know what to build..
(01:46 / Allied) ElectroRavener: !draw
(01:46 / All) iTzhEcTiK: yellow is not building
(01:47 / Allied) nestharus: and everyone ignored me
(01:50 / All) nestharus: I asked what to build
(01:50 / Allied) ElectroRavener: no
(01:53 / All) nestharus: Adn they all ignored me for 1.5 minutes
(01:54 / Allied) ElectroRavener: we arent ignoring
(01:56 / All) FuldPedal: U could have paused it
(01:59 / Allied) ElectroRavener: we are telling you to cross
(02:01 / Allied) ElectroRavener: with orange
(02:04 / Allied) nestharus: yes, what to build though
(02:04 / All) FuldPedal: Ur own problem over there.
(02:07 / All) iTzhEcTiK: he is trolling
(02:11 / All) MightHold: hes not trolling
(02:14 / All) MightHold: hes a beginner
(02:14 / All) nestharus: I am not trolling. I said I was a beginner at the start of the game..
(02:16 / All) MightHold: and he told in lobby
(02:19 / All) MightHold: are u dumb?
(02:21 / All) FuldPedal: !lms nest
(02:25 / All) iTzhEcTiK: he is talking just saying i dont know what to do etc etc
(02:26 / All) FuldPedal: He is new
(02:31 / All) FuldPedal: SO HELP HIM OUT.
(02:33 / Allied) ElectroRavener: !ff
(02:34 / All) iTzhEcTiK: we
(02:35 / All) nestharus: and everyon eon my team is ignoring me..
(02:35 / All) MightHold: why dont you tell him what to do?
(02:35 / All) FuldPedal: Now play.
(02:36 / All) iTzhEcTiK: are
(02:42 / All) iTzhEcTiK: lol
(02:47 / All) iTzhEcTiK: you guys trolls to
(02:51 / Allied) nestharus: still don't know what to build..
(02:57 / Allied) ElectroRavener: stay 0 value
(02:58 / Allied) nestharus: or what cross is
(02:59 / Allied) ElectroRavener: you did great
(03:13 / All) iTzhEcTiK: we told him and he wont build just trolling
(03:18 / Allied) ElectroRavener: !votekick nest
(03:19 / All) nestharus: You just said cross
(03:24 / All) iTzhEcTiK: and you guys know him
(03:25 / All) nestharus: I don't know what cross is and I don't know which to build..
(03:37 / Allied) FuldPedal: !lms nestharus
(03:43 / All) nestharus: and I even asked in lobby if you guys wanted me to leave
(03:45 / All) nestharus: and nobody said yes..
(03:51 / All) MightHold: true!
(03:54 / All) FuldPedal: Well yellow is legit, ur fault as team.
(03:59 / All) iTzhEcTiK: lol
(04:05 / All) nestharus: you guys are just being dicks on my team.
(04:06 / All) FuldPedal: Everyone here is welcome so
(04:11 / All) iTzhEcTiK: you know this guy and he is doing it to give you elo
(04:13 / All) nestharus: do you want me to leave or not?
(04:15 / All) iTzhEcTiK: so stfu
(04:19 / All) FuldPedal: You cant tell a man to leave, even if he is straight up noob
(04:27 / Allied) ElectroRavener: !votekick nest
(04:29 / All) FuldPedal: None of us knows yellow.
(04:30 / Allied) ElectroRavener: !ignore fuld
(04:34 / Allied) ElectroRavener: !ignore might
(04:38 / All) iTzhEcTiK: stfu teal
(04:41 / All) FuldPedal: Not really
(04:44 / All) nestharus: I can leave
(04:48 / Allied) Kekerz: !yes
(04:49 / All) iTzhEcTiK: leave then
(04:56 / All) nestharus: ok then pink.
(05:01 / All) nestharus: I will join next an dhopefully people help :)
(05:01 / All) MightHold: nestharus has left the game voluntarily.
(05:15 / All) iTzhEcTiK: thank fuck

Thank you for your time : ).

Re: nestharus@europe/uswest

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:29 pm
by Goomoonryong
Classic LTD player ''just cross'' as if you knew what cross is....

Re: nestharus@europe/uswest

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 7:13 pm
by RadiantCrystal
Despite you being new to ltd, do you understand that you should leave the game anyhow?


Re: nestharus@europe/uswest

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 10:15 pm
by nestharus
I asked the team if they wanted me to leave. They were votekicking etc. Was the right thing to be a douche and stay?

There is such a thing as when a rule isn't applicable. If a votekick isn't going through due to the enemy team not voting and your allies want you gone, the courteous thing to do is leave.

Are you really going to say that this wasn't justified?

(04:49 / All) iTzhEcTiK: leave then
(04:56 / All) nestharus: ok then pink.
(05:01 / All) nestharus: I will join next an dhopefully people help :)
(05:01 / All) MightHold: nestharus has left the game voluntarily.
(05:15 / All) iTzhEcTiK: thank fuck

This and spammed votekicks.

If ENT is really the kind of place that will ban for being courteous, I don't think I want to be part of it : ).

We can go ahead and aim for a perma ban in that case because I will never agree to this.

Re: nestharus@europe/uswest

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 10:40 pm
by RadiantCrystal
If you were votekicked, you would be making this appeal now. If you expect no ban from leaving, under any circumstance per our rules, then you may want to read it again

Re: nestharus@europe/uswest

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:05 pm
by nestharus
The opponents didn't want to votekick me but the allies did....

Well, bye then. Never going on ENT again : ).

If promoting staying in a game against the wishes of your fellow teammates is what ENT is all about, you can count me out.

Re: nestharus@europe/uswest

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:06 pm
by RadiantCrystal
That's fine by me if you don't want to follow the rules.