Unban Please - Serious Reasoning!
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 5:10 pm
Your Warcraft III username: OutlawDipper / 2in1 (OutlawDipper was the one banned)
Realm/Gateway: Europe
Why are you banned: Game Ruining / Ghosting ( jabba41 )
Why you should be unbanned: I firmly believe I should be unbanned due to the fact the "game ruining" aspect was false. The one who had said he was going to get me banned [ CorporalJoker ] said I was trying to make his cross split simply because Instead of upgrading my T6 unit, I formed two rows, after he had complained I fixed the issue. Secondly, Our king was attacked and I took initiative to heal, and did not realize which order we were going in (Most people I play with assign who heals when). Legion TD has been something I thoroughly enjoy and I did not game ruin, I care about my ELO as I usually take the game very serious ( !lms OutlawDipper / !lms 2in1 ). As for the second portion Ghosting, user [ CorporalJoker ] had disagreed upon something mutual which is a teammate leaves before round 3 you should draw, an opponent did leave before round 3, everyone had voted to draw but him as he said he wanted to see Orge go 24/1. I messaged Orge to define the situation and give him tips due to this unfair situation that had occurred, by no means did I attempt to fuck the game over, after all it was a very close game indeed and i still managed to cross well with 'CorporalJoker' despite the issue, I had lent him assistance in building as well sent with the team well as I played the role of 'Income'. Anyway, Thank you for reading and I hope you understand! Have a great day / night!
Realm/Gateway: Europe
Why are you banned: Game Ruining / Ghosting ( jabba41 )
Why you should be unbanned: I firmly believe I should be unbanned due to the fact the "game ruining" aspect was false. The one who had said he was going to get me banned [ CorporalJoker ] said I was trying to make his cross split simply because Instead of upgrading my T6 unit, I formed two rows, after he had complained I fixed the issue. Secondly, Our king was attacked and I took initiative to heal, and did not realize which order we were going in (Most people I play with assign who heals when). Legion TD has been something I thoroughly enjoy and I did not game ruin, I care about my ELO as I usually take the game very serious ( !lms OutlawDipper / !lms 2in1 ). As for the second portion Ghosting, user [ CorporalJoker ] had disagreed upon something mutual which is a teammate leaves before round 3 you should draw, an opponent did leave before round 3, everyone had voted to draw but him as he said he wanted to see Orge go 24/1. I messaged Orge to define the situation and give him tips due to this unfair situation that had occurred, by no means did I attempt to fuck the game over, after all it was a very close game indeed and i still managed to cross well with 'CorporalJoker' despite the issue, I had lent him assistance in building as well sent with the team well as I played the role of 'Income'. Anyway, Thank you for reading and I hope you understand! Have a great day / night!