Ban Appeal- Globull

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Ban Appeal- Globull

Postby Globull » Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:25 am

Your Warcraft III username: Globull
Realm/Gateway: North America
Why are you banned: Left game
Why you should be unbanned: I left game in Legion TD around lvl 13 because I leaked way too much. I asked my teammates if they wanted me to leave and if it could help them. I usually don't leak, for some reason my build was terrible this time around. I should have let them kick me out but I decided to leave instead. Thank you for your time.

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Re: Ban Appeal- Globull

Postby Arii » Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:31 am

Please note that we do not condone leaving by any means. Please try to stay in game next time. Thank you

Having an unstable internet connection or a high risk of lagging out? Are you tired of losing a won game because you disconnected?
    Do not worry, there are solutions to solve your problem!
    • ENT Connect is a on LAN connection based reconnection tool (no cd-keys needed).
    • GProxy++(Varlock) is a reconnection tool for the with an external prompt.
    • GProxy++ DLL is a reconnection plugin for (Recommended).
    For technical issues or questions, post a topic in the technical support forum.

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