Ban Appeal

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Ban Appeal

Postby Shovelrats » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:54 pm

Your Warcraft III username: Shovelrats
Realm/Gateway: entconnect
Why are you banned: Because I was accused for solo send, while the opposite happened.
Why you should be unbanned: Because I was not fairly banned. He asked me to send level 10 I asked him to send level 5. He said that if we send at 5 they will not leak, I ended up sending alone cause we were in disagreement. And they leaked. On solo send.

I don't believe being bullied into playing the way an inferior player believes I should in order to avoid ban threats is correct. I will be the bigger man and don't make another post to ask for a ban on him, altho I should.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby HazarDous » Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:22 pm


I couldn't have cared less if you only solo sent on level 5, because he did too. You both disputed your points, and couldn't reach an agreement. However, you solo sent on level 7 without even asking red what his thought was of this send. You also spent a considerable amount of wood on level 11 to upgrade king and solo sent, again, while no plan had been discussed.

The only reason I didn't deny this request, as you both were stubborn and refused to coop, is because he called his plan (king 10), you called 5. Since you disagreed, you both went your ways and that's fine. However, you shouldn't keep on solo sending afterwards before attempting to communicate.

Regardless, clean ban history, unbanned.

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