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Just me again

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:38 am
by ShadowFrosT
Your Warcraft III username: Beerus. NoManLand GhostRidder
Realm/Gateway: Euro
Why are you banned: They were banned kyuu glitch
Why you should be unbanned:
I'm just posting this on behalf of them. I thought I could express it better maybe..
I don't think they all should be banned for the glitch even though I was on the other team.
I know ross knows about it. But the others in the game after kept asking how it happened.
I'm requesting a unban of everyone but ross. I educated them on how the glitch happens and they will avoid it in future games.
THank you very much

Re: Just me again

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:46 am
by HazarDous
Each of them listened to ross and albi and stopped defending for a little bit. Now, whether they knew it'd cause the glitch or not might be unclear. But there should be no reason as to why people stop defending their base.

I will obviously be more lenient on those than ross and albi. Thanks for your concern but they need to appeal for their own bans.