longest ban appeal ever written gl hf
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:14 am
US east:
Pulling/Refusing to Cooperate.:
This post is going to take me 10 times longer to create than it would have taken someone to actually watch an adequate amount of the replay they banned me for. But here it goes. I'll begin by walking you through the game and at the end start my argument points. In this game and the game following this one, which I may eventually get to in this novel. I was the victim. I challenger anyone to download and watch the entirety of either of the attached replay links and say otherwise.
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 403995.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 404055.w3g
Game 1:
Two of my teammates insult me excessively through the entire game, which is of course against the rules (i.e. "Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively."), as it should be because it makes playing zero fun when you're being insulted the entire time.
The game begins: I am the color red.
00:00 / Allied) Piper: u guys rdy to flame red?
(00:01 / Allied) HankMoody: psy doesnt like us too much anyway lel
(00:09 / Allied) HankMoody: we trolled psy 2-3 times
(02:18 / Allied) Psyclone: !ignore hank
(03:00 / Allied) eXteCe: !ignore hank
They begin in on me during wave 2. At the beginning of wave 2 I have 290 value and am 4/0. The ent wiki page engineer recommendation build says 250-270 value and 4/0-4/1. They begin flaming me telling me I should be 6/1 during wave 2.. Which is literally not possible.
(03:57 / Allied) FrostKitty: imo
(04:00 / Allied) FrostKitty: lol red
(04:02 / Allied) FrostKitty: u tk hard
(04:03 / Allied) Piper: :D
(04:06 / Allied) HankMoody: ofc
(04:08 / Allied) Piper: sell that
04:12 / Allied) Piper: and go dwarves
(04:20 / Allied) HankMoody: inf is from 1
(04:35 / Allied) Piper: he ruins his push
(04:39 / Allied) Piper: and doesnt hold 5
(04:40 / Allied) Piper: XD
(04:46 / Allied) HankMoody: i know
(04:48 / Allied) HankMoody: i pinged him
(04:49 / Allied) HankMoody: in 1
(04:57 / Allied) FrostKitty: how fat red would be
(04:58 / Allied) FrostKitty: 6/1
(04:59 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(05:02 / Allied) HankMoody: ye
(05:05 / Allied) HankMoody: 4/0 tk engi
(05:06 / Allied) Piper: but hes mega
(05:06 / Allied) HankMoody: sad
(05:06 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: how did i ruin my push??
(05:08 / Allied) Piper: XD
(05:13 / Allied) HankMoody: you're not 6/0 yet
(05:32 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: how could i be 6/1 after wave one
wave 3: I am 330 value and 5/1 lumber at beginning of round. Recommended is 370-390 and 4/0-5/1. I also hold this wave with my lower than recommended value build, and am pushed to the max according to recommended build. At the end of wave 3 I realized we were veryyyy weak 5, we had mortor (me), spawn, meat wagon, and aqua. Also the other team had yet to send (important fact). So one could imagine a big send 5 could be a decent possibility. So I decided to transition to some anti 5 units to help my team hold. I had some of the best units for this, turret and zues. At this point I am 5/1, while the rest of my team is 3/0,3/0,4/0 respectively. I continue to get flamed for "team killing" and "not pushing".
(06:51 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: and build for 5
(06:54 / Allied) FrostKitty: lol
(06:56 / Allied) HankMoody: rofl
(06:58 / Allied) HankMoody: what a tk
(07:01 / Allied) HankMoody: confirmed
(07:11 / Allied) Piper: ive seen him on mega bot
(07:15 / Allied) HankMoody: we play epic long game
(07:16 / Allied) FrostKitty: ;/
(07:17 / Allied) HankMoody: send every round
(07:17 / Allied) Piper: doesnt suck any less here than there
(07:22 / Allied) HankMoody: and u with best push
(07:24 / Allied) HankMoody: deny to yolo
(07:25 / Allied) HankMoody: W T F
(07:26 / Allied) HankMoody: rly
(07:31 / Allied) FrostKitty: man
(07:43 / Allied) HankMoody: ofc
(07:48 / Allied) HankMoody: imba push 7/3 engi
(07:49 / Allied) HankMoody: in 5
(07:52 / Allied) HankMoody: but he goes 5/1 tk
(08:04 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: we suck 5?
(08:11 / Allied) FrostKitty: if u push
(08:12 / Allied) HankMoody: thats why
(08:14 / Allied) HankMoody: we need income
(08:17 / Allied) HankMoody: to fucking upgrade dude
Wave 4:
I'm 510 value and 5/1 lumber. Rest of team: 480;5/1 .. 675; 3/0.. 415;6/1
(08:30 / Allied) FrostKitty: if u push
(08:34 / Allied) FrostKitty: even if we lost 2 heals even
(08:37 / Allied) FrostKitty: the time would make up for it
(08:40 / Allied) HankMoody: ++
(08:40 / Allied) FrostKitty: u be cant brak
(08:46 / Allied) FrostKitty: we couldnt die till 20
(08:48 / Allied) FrostKitty: probably
(09:27 / Allied) FrostKitty: u always had turret
(09:29 / Allied) FrostKitty: makes me sad
(09:30 / Allied) FrostKitty: even
(09:30 / Allied) FrostKitty: more
Wave 5: we rolled Immo. Now i'm thinking we're really fucked if they send here, They have been saving entire game. I feel glad I decided to build some anti 5 towers for our time. I continue to get flamed. I have 690 value; 5/1. rest of team: 650;6/1, 875;3/0, 600;7/1.
They continue to flame me because I don't play the cookie cutter mortor build. My actions were justifiable by the variables in the game and were chosen with my team's well being in mind.
(09:39 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore pip
(09:43 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore hank
(09:46 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore frost
(10:24 / Allied) FrostKitty: he ignored all of us
(10:29 / Allied) HankMoody: so report incoming
Wave 6: Since we rolled immo and we held 5. I started pushing again. 780 value 6/2 lumber. rest of team: 650; 7/3, 1055; 3/0, 600;7/3.
It is worth noting here that teal continues to up his value instead of pushing. Even tho we rolled immo. What is worse is he's not even building spawn to catch leaks and earn money. At this point with 1055 value he has one spawn, an ice troll, and 3 wyverns.
Wave 7: my value 840; lumber 7/3. rest of team: 650; 7/4, 1300;3/0, 700;7/4.
The other team sends. Teal barely holds his lane. We leak 70 mid and he kills zero of them. Even Though we leaked so many and they sent lots of wyvs. We didn't use a single heal. Becuz our king was so strong. Thanks to myself blue and purple for pushing. Again note teal is still 3/0... at the end of wave 7. In legion 1200+ tower defense. But I am the one team killing? Let's continue.
At the end of 7 I tell my team I'll stay 7/3 and try to hold some 10 since I have good units for 10 (zues and turret).
14:55 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: i stay 7/3 hold lane 10
Wave 8: I have 1055 value 7/3 lumber. blue: 610; 7/6. teal 1480; 5/0. purple 880; 7/4.
During this round the following occurs. I am accusing of "refusing to cooperate, based on my actions from this round. First let's review ENT's rule defintion. "Refusing to cooperate when asked to do so several times by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win."
So I have been convicted of refusing to cooperate to the extent that I sent alone or not save send w/ teammates to win.
Well for starters I never solo sent so we can rule that one out. The later is what I'm accused of. Consider the following events below.
(17:01 / Allied) FrostKitty: i do some attack
(17:09 / Allied) HankMoody: red will join u
(17:11 / Allied) HankMoody: coz he not know
(17:13 / Allied) HankMoody: only u
(17:13 / Allied) HankMoody: rofl
When I saw someone up attack. I considered our king's strength. And agreed it could also use some attack. So I followed upping the attack 3 additional times. After He did 4 times I believe. Bringing our king's total attack to 10. Plz note 10 attack at the end of wave 8. When blue has 610 value. Purple 880 w/ aquas. And yourself still 1055 trying to add some turret and zues for 10. I challenge you to convince me that upping the king's attack there, Is an unreasonable thing to do. Plz convince me of that. Let's continue.
Wave 9: During this round I was accused and banned for "pulling". I have attached a photo (wave9.png) from this game from start of wave 9. Plz review my unit's positioning and explain to me how one zues randomly bugging out and pulling, and only killing two creeps might i add, is my fault. I have also attached two additional photos (wave9.1.png and wave9.2png) that shows the pulling process/
Wave 10:
Let's observe values/lumber/incomes.
Me: 1660/ 7/3 / 95
Blue: 610 / 7/7 / 114
Teal: 1850 / 7/2 / 43
purple: 1420 / 7/4 /114
Again recall that at the end of wave 8 when I upped king's attack 3 times to reach the total of 10 attack. I was banned for this...
During this round blue uses a racial slur while referring to me. Lucky for me, I did not see this racial slur because I muted him long ago because I was already tired of being bullied.
(21:30 / Allied) FrostKitty: need u mid niglet
(21:32 / Allied) FrostKitty: 7/4?
At the time of him saying this. I was in fact the only member 7/4. And if you google the definition of "niglet", like I had to, the result you'll find ->
Niglet: A racial slur. Used to describe an African American child.
Let's continue.
The next event takes us to wave 12.
I am convicted for "pulling". Let's read the rules.
All players must solo build: build only on own lane and cannot build a tower that will attack and pull a creep from the opposite lane.
You are only allowed to build 1 tower space into the dark green area, no further.
If a player pulls creeps while not building at dark green area, whether to be punished or not will depend on a moderator's per case judgement. If pulling continuously happens due to a tower, it should be sold immediately.
Okay so let's discuss my accused wrong doing. Let's begin by looking at a screen shot (attached, "wave12.png") from my units at the start of 12.
Okay so according to the rules. Did I build in the 'dark green area'? Refer the photo describing rule here -> viewtopic.php?f=72&t=55299#p224045.
Did I? No absolutely not, not even close.
Okay then. But your tower pulled wave 12 , therefore you broke the rules. But did I actually break the rules? Let's consider. "If a player pull creeps while not building at dark green area, case by case basis. If pulling continuously happens duo to a tower, it should be sold immediately."
Well for starters. When one remaining zues pulled 9. and killed two units. You can observe from the attached photo he's in the middle of my army. No where even closeeee to the dark green. So I think we can agree I was not expected to sell the zues that pulled on wave 9. Now let's discuss wave 12. My accusers insinuate that my newly built tower that is close to the edge of the dark green, pulls the wave. But if you watch the replay. OR observe the photos I'm about to attach. You can observe that it infact, does not pull the wave. Instead a random zues from wayyy far way. somehow pulls a couple units. So plz explain to me how the particular zues that pulled on 12. Is my fault? And is me breaking the rules. refer to attached photos ("wave12.1-4png")
Wave 13: The wave we win the game. WOW. I must be really poor at team killing. Becuz somehow we won on wave 13. Never lost a single heal. And I have 2460 value compared to blue's 990. And 211 income compared to tea's 147. I would dare to say. That if I had played my mortors like my teammates insisted I do. (And proceeded to get angry and flame me for not doing what they would do). We very may well have lost. Imagine if on wave 10 I had shit value like blue. becuz i went yolo mortor. I played the game to the best of my ability. And the result was we won. And my stats reflect that I played well.
Okay let's move on. Leading up to round 13 my toxic teammate frost kitty decides to break the following legion rule.
"Do not ghost by leaking information to your enemies/opponents.". At 27:41 by informing the other team that we are in fact sending 13. Interesting.
He later even revisits his offense by joking/ boosting about his ghosting.
(30:34 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(30:36 / Allied) FrostKitty: man that ghost
(30:36 / Allied) HankMoody: ez
(30:39 / Allied) FrostKitty: might of stopped them
(30:40 / Allied) StreaK: k 1st heal here
(30:41 / Allied) FrostKitty: from sending realyl
(30:43 / Allied) FrostKitty: rofl
(30:43 / Allied) HankMoody: rofl
(30:47 / Allied) HankMoody: nah
I think even received a little bit of credit for building turrets? Even tho they flamed me entire game for doing so? Thank you friendly teammates.
(30:49 / Allied) HankMoody: if they sent 13
(30:52 / Allied) FrostKitty: they scared of
(30:53 / Allied) HankMoody: they already had sent something
(30:53 / Allied) FrostKitty: turrets
(30:54 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(31:02 / Allied) HankMoody: they immo
(31:03 / Allied) HankMoody: lel
okay. Dare I do it.
Let's move on to game 2. I'm going to try to make this chapter much shorter. But not becuz my teammate's actions were less offensive, but because right this is exhausting me.
Game 2: I'll resupply the game link here-> http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 404055.w3g
This game happens directly after the previous game. Two of my lovely teammates from game 1 are now on the other team.
Let's quickly assess their crimes.
I here by accuss frostkitty and hankmoody of breaking the following rule during the course of this game to a serve degree.
Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.
(13:30 / Allied) Piper: that orange has a bad tenency to lag out every game he plays
(13:31 / All) Damasus90: stop porns oj
(14:03 / Allied) Piper: do we draw for yellow? ^^
(14:03 / Allied) Monarch: y
14:06 / Allied) FrostKitty: we can trollhim
(14:08 / Allied) FrostKitty: at least for a level
(14:08 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: you lagging orange
(14:08 / Allied) FrostKitty: or 2
(14:51 / All) snuggleboob: snuggleboob has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host).
(14:51 / QUIT) snuggleboob: Disconnect
(14:56 / Allied) FrostKitty: lol
(14:57 / All) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(14:57 / All) Damasus90: Player [plzdontflamefam] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(14:58 / All) HammeR_: ;o
(15:02 / Allied) HammeR_: !draw
(15:02 / All) Damasus90: Player [HammeR_] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(15:02 / Allied) FrostKitty: dont draw
(15:04 / Allied) FrostKitty: straitht away
(15:06 / Allied) HankMoody: ofc not
(15:15 / All) HammeR_: draw plz?
(15:16 / All) FrostKitty: dam yellow
(15:18 / All) plzdontflamefam: draw plz?
(15:19 / All) FrostKitty: hold on pink
(15:28 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: they want to flame me
(15:31 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: before they draw
(15:32 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: wtf
(15:38 / Private) FrostKitty: we going to draw just troll yellow give us 2 min
(15:42 / All) plzdontflamefam: why no draw?
(15:46 / All) FrostKitty: dont say anything pink
(15:52 / All) FrostKitty: we muted u
(15:53 / All) FrostKitty: we cant hear u
(15:55 / All) FrostKitty: fuckin moron
(15:58 / All) Piper: cuz your annoying tk who deserves to lose? ^^
(16:09 / Allied) Damasus90: no draw?
(16:13 / Allied) FrostKitty: its just troll
(16:13 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: who doesn't draw in 1200
(16:14 / Allied) FrostKitty: we draw
(16:14 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: wtf
(16:19 / Allied) HankMoody: idc
(16:23 / Allied) FrostKitty: ofc archer
(16:24 / Allied) FrostKitty: hele
(16:27 / Allied) FrostKitty: mutant
(16:29 / Allied) HankMoody: send full 9 and draw?
(16:35 / Allied) FrostKitty: ok
(16:36 / Allied) Piper: ok
(16:38 / Allied) FrostKitty: good idea
(16:40 / Allied) Monarch: !draw
16:40 / All) Damasus90: Player [Monarch] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(16:41 / Allied) HammeR_: draw it ;P?!??!
(16:52 / Allied) FrostKitty: burl heals
(16:52 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(16:56 / Allied) FrostKitty: ima do some stupid king
(17:00 / All) plzdontflamefam: who doesn't draw in 1200 wtf
(17:00 / Allied) FrostKitty: dam to pro hank
(17:02 / Allied) Piper: dont
(17:04 / Allied) HankMoody: ofc
(17:06 / Allied) HankMoody: i have sex hold 10
(17:06 / All) FrostKitty: who mutes
(17:07 / Allied) HammeR_: !draw
(17:08 / Allied) HankMoody: so sad rly
(17:08 / All) FrostKitty: in 1200
(17:15 / All) FrostKitty: and pulls on 9
(17:21 / All) HankMoody: i know i know
(17:27 / All) HankMoody: plzdontmuteme dude
(17:35 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore frost
(17:37 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore piper
(17:40 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore dam
(17:42 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore hank
(17:42 / All) HammeR_: draw it guys
(17:48 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(17:48 / All) HammeR_: Come on
(18:04 / All) FrostKitty: yellow say sorry
(18:16 / All) FrostKitty: for being a cunt
(18:44 / All) Damasus90: ANNOUNCEMENT: You can now select your desired hosting location(Atlanta, Chicago, Germany)! Check http://goo.gl/lpbZX9
(18:49 / All) HammeR_: !draw
(19:00 / Allied) HankMoody: mang my hold so op
(19:05 / Allied) HankMoody: for 10
(19:08 / Allied) HankMoody: so fucking op units
(19:10 / Allied) HankMoody: and cant play :/
(19:17 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(19:20 / All) HammeR_: are we really gonna play this
(19:20 / Allied) Damasus90: do draw to early^^
(19:21 / All) HammeR_: ?
(19:24 / Allied) Damasus90: *dont
(19:27 / Allied) HankMoody: not early
(19:27 / Allied) HankMoody: ye
(19:31 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: never seen ppl not draw before in 1200
(19:32 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: wtf
(19:34 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !scores
(19:40 / All) Damasus90: Player [Monarch]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(19:42 / All) HankMoody: Yalla
(19:44 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(20:06 / Allied) Monarch: lel
(20:10 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(20:11 / Allied) FrostKitty: rekt
(20:12 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(20:13 / Allied) HankMoody: ^^
(20:18 / Allied) HankMoody: gud send
(20:18 / Allied) FrostKitty: man
(20:20 / Allied) FrostKitty: makes me laugh
(20:21 / Allied) FrostKitty: hard
(20:28 / Allied) HankMoody: ^^
(20:35 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: who's heal
(20:37 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(20:38 / Allied) Monarch: me
(20:39 / Allied) FrostKitty: i been telling him
(20:41 / Allied) FrostKitty: its 20+
(20:44 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: -king
(20:45 / Allied) FrostKitty: and we need 24
(20:47 / Allied) FrostKitty: rofl
(20:51 / Allied) HankMoody: i told him alrdy
(20:56 / Allied) FrostKitty: man
(20:57 / Allied) HankMoody: earlier
(21:00 / Allied) FrostKitty: fuck
(21:01 / Allied) FrostKitty: hell
(21:04 / Allied) FrostKitty: good tk
(21:05 / Allied) HankMoody: !draw
(21:05 / All) Damasus90: Player [HankMoody] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(21:08 / Allied) Piper: !draw
(21:08 / All) Damasus90: Player [Piper] has voted to draw the game. 2 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(21:09 / Allied) FrostKitty: !draw
(21:09 / All) Damasus90: Player [FrostKitty] has voted to draw the game. 1 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(21:09 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: umm
(21:11 / Allied) Damasus90: !draw
(21:11 / All) Damasus90: The game has now been recorded as a draw. You may leave at any time.
(21:13 / All) HankMoody: just rolled u
Okay the end.
Enjoy the novel.
I am a pleasant person to play legion TD w/. Grrr. This is only the 2nd time I've request ppl be banned and the other was this same situation. Where I am reported and banned ironically by someone who in my opinion is the one breaking all the rules and ruining the legion community for everyone.
Idk this whole thing just puts a terrible taste in my mouth.
I dont care about being banned. It just bothers me that a moderator read their accusations against me. and then apparently watched the replay to justify banning me and didn't discover that they were in fact the ones breaking the rules. Idk... I just don't enjoy toxic people. Hence my current username, plzdontflamefam.
Hmm idk FeelsBadMan.
I can't believe I just wrote all of that. I think I'm done w/ legion. Delete my account. I don't enjoy a community where the flamers are empowered and supported when they bully the innocent. gl hf
US east:
Pulling/Refusing to Cooperate.:
This post is going to take me 10 times longer to create than it would have taken someone to actually watch an adequate amount of the replay they banned me for. But here it goes. I'll begin by walking you through the game and at the end start my argument points. In this game and the game following this one, which I may eventually get to in this novel. I was the victim. I challenger anyone to download and watch the entirety of either of the attached replay links and say otherwise.
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 403995.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 404055.w3g
Game 1:
Two of my teammates insult me excessively through the entire game, which is of course against the rules (i.e. "Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively."), as it should be because it makes playing zero fun when you're being insulted the entire time.
The game begins: I am the color red.
00:00 / Allied) Piper: u guys rdy to flame red?
(00:01 / Allied) HankMoody: psy doesnt like us too much anyway lel
(00:09 / Allied) HankMoody: we trolled psy 2-3 times
(02:18 / Allied) Psyclone: !ignore hank
(03:00 / Allied) eXteCe: !ignore hank
They begin in on me during wave 2. At the beginning of wave 2 I have 290 value and am 4/0. The ent wiki page engineer recommendation build says 250-270 value and 4/0-4/1. They begin flaming me telling me I should be 6/1 during wave 2.. Which is literally not possible.
(03:57 / Allied) FrostKitty: imo
(04:00 / Allied) FrostKitty: lol red
(04:02 / Allied) FrostKitty: u tk hard
(04:03 / Allied) Piper: :D
(04:06 / Allied) HankMoody: ofc
(04:08 / Allied) Piper: sell that
04:12 / Allied) Piper: and go dwarves
(04:20 / Allied) HankMoody: inf is from 1
(04:35 / Allied) Piper: he ruins his push
(04:39 / Allied) Piper: and doesnt hold 5
(04:40 / Allied) Piper: XD
(04:46 / Allied) HankMoody: i know
(04:48 / Allied) HankMoody: i pinged him
(04:49 / Allied) HankMoody: in 1
(04:57 / Allied) FrostKitty: how fat red would be
(04:58 / Allied) FrostKitty: 6/1
(04:59 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(05:02 / Allied) HankMoody: ye
(05:05 / Allied) HankMoody: 4/0 tk engi
(05:06 / Allied) Piper: but hes mega
(05:06 / Allied) HankMoody: sad
(05:06 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: how did i ruin my push??
(05:08 / Allied) Piper: XD
(05:13 / Allied) HankMoody: you're not 6/0 yet
(05:32 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: how could i be 6/1 after wave one
wave 3: I am 330 value and 5/1 lumber at beginning of round. Recommended is 370-390 and 4/0-5/1. I also hold this wave with my lower than recommended value build, and am pushed to the max according to recommended build. At the end of wave 3 I realized we were veryyyy weak 5, we had mortor (me), spawn, meat wagon, and aqua. Also the other team had yet to send (important fact). So one could imagine a big send 5 could be a decent possibility. So I decided to transition to some anti 5 units to help my team hold. I had some of the best units for this, turret and zues. At this point I am 5/1, while the rest of my team is 3/0,3/0,4/0 respectively. I continue to get flamed for "team killing" and "not pushing".
(06:51 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: and build for 5
(06:54 / Allied) FrostKitty: lol
(06:56 / Allied) HankMoody: rofl
(06:58 / Allied) HankMoody: what a tk
(07:01 / Allied) HankMoody: confirmed
(07:11 / Allied) Piper: ive seen him on mega bot
(07:15 / Allied) HankMoody: we play epic long game
(07:16 / Allied) FrostKitty: ;/
(07:17 / Allied) HankMoody: send every round
(07:17 / Allied) Piper: doesnt suck any less here than there
(07:22 / Allied) HankMoody: and u with best push
(07:24 / Allied) HankMoody: deny to yolo
(07:25 / Allied) HankMoody: W T F
(07:26 / Allied) HankMoody: rly
(07:31 / Allied) FrostKitty: man
(07:43 / Allied) HankMoody: ofc
(07:48 / Allied) HankMoody: imba push 7/3 engi
(07:49 / Allied) HankMoody: in 5
(07:52 / Allied) HankMoody: but he goes 5/1 tk
(08:04 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: we suck 5?
(08:11 / Allied) FrostKitty: if u push
(08:12 / Allied) HankMoody: thats why
(08:14 / Allied) HankMoody: we need income
(08:17 / Allied) HankMoody: to fucking upgrade dude
Wave 4:
I'm 510 value and 5/1 lumber. Rest of team: 480;5/1 .. 675; 3/0.. 415;6/1
(08:30 / Allied) FrostKitty: if u push
(08:34 / Allied) FrostKitty: even if we lost 2 heals even
(08:37 / Allied) FrostKitty: the time would make up for it
(08:40 / Allied) HankMoody: ++
(08:40 / Allied) FrostKitty: u be cant brak
(08:46 / Allied) FrostKitty: we couldnt die till 20
(08:48 / Allied) FrostKitty: probably
(09:27 / Allied) FrostKitty: u always had turret
(09:29 / Allied) FrostKitty: makes me sad
(09:30 / Allied) FrostKitty: even
(09:30 / Allied) FrostKitty: more
Wave 5: we rolled Immo. Now i'm thinking we're really fucked if they send here, They have been saving entire game. I feel glad I decided to build some anti 5 towers for our time. I continue to get flamed. I have 690 value; 5/1. rest of team: 650;6/1, 875;3/0, 600;7/1.
They continue to flame me because I don't play the cookie cutter mortor build. My actions were justifiable by the variables in the game and were chosen with my team's well being in mind.
(09:39 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore pip
(09:43 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore hank
(09:46 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore frost
(10:24 / Allied) FrostKitty: he ignored all of us
(10:29 / Allied) HankMoody: so report incoming
Wave 6: Since we rolled immo and we held 5. I started pushing again. 780 value 6/2 lumber. rest of team: 650; 7/3, 1055; 3/0, 600;7/3.
It is worth noting here that teal continues to up his value instead of pushing. Even tho we rolled immo. What is worse is he's not even building spawn to catch leaks and earn money. At this point with 1055 value he has one spawn, an ice troll, and 3 wyverns.
Wave 7: my value 840; lumber 7/3. rest of team: 650; 7/4, 1300;3/0, 700;7/4.
The other team sends. Teal barely holds his lane. We leak 70 mid and he kills zero of them. Even Though we leaked so many and they sent lots of wyvs. We didn't use a single heal. Becuz our king was so strong. Thanks to myself blue and purple for pushing. Again note teal is still 3/0... at the end of wave 7. In legion 1200+ tower defense. But I am the one team killing? Let's continue.
At the end of 7 I tell my team I'll stay 7/3 and try to hold some 10 since I have good units for 10 (zues and turret).
14:55 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: i stay 7/3 hold lane 10
Wave 8: I have 1055 value 7/3 lumber. blue: 610; 7/6. teal 1480; 5/0. purple 880; 7/4.
During this round the following occurs. I am accusing of "refusing to cooperate, based on my actions from this round. First let's review ENT's rule defintion. "Refusing to cooperate when asked to do so several times by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win."
So I have been convicted of refusing to cooperate to the extent that I sent alone or not save send w/ teammates to win.
Well for starters I never solo sent so we can rule that one out. The later is what I'm accused of. Consider the following events below.
(17:01 / Allied) FrostKitty: i do some attack
(17:09 / Allied) HankMoody: red will join u
(17:11 / Allied) HankMoody: coz he not know
(17:13 / Allied) HankMoody: only u
(17:13 / Allied) HankMoody: rofl
When I saw someone up attack. I considered our king's strength. And agreed it could also use some attack. So I followed upping the attack 3 additional times. After He did 4 times I believe. Bringing our king's total attack to 10. Plz note 10 attack at the end of wave 8. When blue has 610 value. Purple 880 w/ aquas. And yourself still 1055 trying to add some turret and zues for 10. I challenge you to convince me that upping the king's attack there, Is an unreasonable thing to do. Plz convince me of that. Let's continue.
Wave 9: During this round I was accused and banned for "pulling". I have attached a photo (wave9.png) from this game from start of wave 9. Plz review my unit's positioning and explain to me how one zues randomly bugging out and pulling, and only killing two creeps might i add, is my fault. I have also attached two additional photos (wave9.1.png and wave9.2png) that shows the pulling process/
Wave 10:
Let's observe values/lumber/incomes.
Me: 1660/ 7/3 / 95
Blue: 610 / 7/7 / 114
Teal: 1850 / 7/2 / 43
purple: 1420 / 7/4 /114
Again recall that at the end of wave 8 when I upped king's attack 3 times to reach the total of 10 attack. I was banned for this...
During this round blue uses a racial slur while referring to me. Lucky for me, I did not see this racial slur because I muted him long ago because I was already tired of being bullied.
(21:30 / Allied) FrostKitty: need u mid niglet
(21:32 / Allied) FrostKitty: 7/4?
At the time of him saying this. I was in fact the only member 7/4. And if you google the definition of "niglet", like I had to, the result you'll find ->
Niglet: A racial slur. Used to describe an African American child.
Let's continue.
The next event takes us to wave 12.
I am convicted for "pulling". Let's read the rules.
All players must solo build: build only on own lane and cannot build a tower that will attack and pull a creep from the opposite lane.
You are only allowed to build 1 tower space into the dark green area, no further.
If a player pulls creeps while not building at dark green area, whether to be punished or not will depend on a moderator's per case judgement. If pulling continuously happens due to a tower, it should be sold immediately.
Okay so let's discuss my accused wrong doing. Let's begin by looking at a screen shot (attached, "wave12.png") from my units at the start of 12.
Okay so according to the rules. Did I build in the 'dark green area'? Refer the photo describing rule here -> viewtopic.php?f=72&t=55299#p224045.
Did I? No absolutely not, not even close.
Okay then. But your tower pulled wave 12 , therefore you broke the rules. But did I actually break the rules? Let's consider. "If a player pull creeps while not building at dark green area, case by case basis. If pulling continuously happens duo to a tower, it should be sold immediately."
Well for starters. When one remaining zues pulled 9. and killed two units. You can observe from the attached photo he's in the middle of my army. No where even closeeee to the dark green. So I think we can agree I was not expected to sell the zues that pulled on wave 9. Now let's discuss wave 12. My accusers insinuate that my newly built tower that is close to the edge of the dark green, pulls the wave. But if you watch the replay. OR observe the photos I'm about to attach. You can observe that it infact, does not pull the wave. Instead a random zues from wayyy far way. somehow pulls a couple units. So plz explain to me how the particular zues that pulled on 12. Is my fault? And is me breaking the rules. refer to attached photos ("wave12.1-4png")
Wave 13: The wave we win the game. WOW. I must be really poor at team killing. Becuz somehow we won on wave 13. Never lost a single heal. And I have 2460 value compared to blue's 990. And 211 income compared to tea's 147. I would dare to say. That if I had played my mortors like my teammates insisted I do. (And proceeded to get angry and flame me for not doing what they would do). We very may well have lost. Imagine if on wave 10 I had shit value like blue. becuz i went yolo mortor. I played the game to the best of my ability. And the result was we won. And my stats reflect that I played well.
Okay let's move on. Leading up to round 13 my toxic teammate frost kitty decides to break the following legion rule.
"Do not ghost by leaking information to your enemies/opponents.". At 27:41 by informing the other team that we are in fact sending 13. Interesting.
He later even revisits his offense by joking/ boosting about his ghosting.
(30:34 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(30:36 / Allied) FrostKitty: man that ghost
(30:36 / Allied) HankMoody: ez
(30:39 / Allied) FrostKitty: might of stopped them
(30:40 / Allied) StreaK: k 1st heal here
(30:41 / Allied) FrostKitty: from sending realyl
(30:43 / Allied) FrostKitty: rofl
(30:43 / Allied) HankMoody: rofl
(30:47 / Allied) HankMoody: nah
I think even received a little bit of credit for building turrets? Even tho they flamed me entire game for doing so? Thank you friendly teammates.
(30:49 / Allied) HankMoody: if they sent 13
(30:52 / Allied) FrostKitty: they scared of
(30:53 / Allied) HankMoody: they already had sent something
(30:53 / Allied) FrostKitty: turrets
(30:54 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(31:02 / Allied) HankMoody: they immo
(31:03 / Allied) HankMoody: lel
okay. Dare I do it.
Let's move on to game 2. I'm going to try to make this chapter much shorter. But not becuz my teammate's actions were less offensive, but because right this is exhausting me.
Game 2: I'll resupply the game link here-> http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 404055.w3g
This game happens directly after the previous game. Two of my lovely teammates from game 1 are now on the other team.
Let's quickly assess their crimes.
I here by accuss frostkitty and hankmoody of breaking the following rule during the course of this game to a serve degree.
Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.
(13:30 / Allied) Piper: that orange has a bad tenency to lag out every game he plays
(13:31 / All) Damasus90: stop porns oj
(14:03 / Allied) Piper: do we draw for yellow? ^^
(14:03 / Allied) Monarch: y
14:06 / Allied) FrostKitty: we can trollhim
(14:08 / Allied) FrostKitty: at least for a level
(14:08 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: you lagging orange
(14:08 / Allied) FrostKitty: or 2
(14:51 / All) snuggleboob: snuggleboob has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host).
(14:51 / QUIT) snuggleboob: Disconnect
(14:56 / Allied) FrostKitty: lol
(14:57 / All) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(14:57 / All) Damasus90: Player [plzdontflamefam] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(14:58 / All) HammeR_: ;o
(15:02 / Allied) HammeR_: !draw
(15:02 / All) Damasus90: Player [HammeR_] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(15:02 / Allied) FrostKitty: dont draw
(15:04 / Allied) FrostKitty: straitht away
(15:06 / Allied) HankMoody: ofc not
(15:15 / All) HammeR_: draw plz?
(15:16 / All) FrostKitty: dam yellow
(15:18 / All) plzdontflamefam: draw plz?
(15:19 / All) FrostKitty: hold on pink
(15:28 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: they want to flame me
(15:31 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: before they draw
(15:32 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: wtf
(15:38 / Private) FrostKitty: we going to draw just troll yellow give us 2 min
(15:42 / All) plzdontflamefam: why no draw?
(15:46 / All) FrostKitty: dont say anything pink
(15:52 / All) FrostKitty: we muted u
(15:53 / All) FrostKitty: we cant hear u
(15:55 / All) FrostKitty: fuckin moron
(15:58 / All) Piper: cuz your annoying tk who deserves to lose? ^^
(16:09 / Allied) Damasus90: no draw?
(16:13 / Allied) FrostKitty: its just troll
(16:13 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: who doesn't draw in 1200
(16:14 / Allied) FrostKitty: we draw
(16:14 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: wtf
(16:19 / Allied) HankMoody: idc
(16:23 / Allied) FrostKitty: ofc archer
(16:24 / Allied) FrostKitty: hele
(16:27 / Allied) FrostKitty: mutant
(16:29 / Allied) HankMoody: send full 9 and draw?
(16:35 / Allied) FrostKitty: ok
(16:36 / Allied) Piper: ok
(16:38 / Allied) FrostKitty: good idea
(16:40 / Allied) Monarch: !draw
16:40 / All) Damasus90: Player [Monarch] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(16:41 / Allied) HammeR_: draw it ;P?!??!
(16:52 / Allied) FrostKitty: burl heals
(16:52 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(16:56 / Allied) FrostKitty: ima do some stupid king
(17:00 / All) plzdontflamefam: who doesn't draw in 1200 wtf
(17:00 / Allied) FrostKitty: dam to pro hank
(17:02 / Allied) Piper: dont
(17:04 / Allied) HankMoody: ofc
(17:06 / Allied) HankMoody: i have sex hold 10
(17:06 / All) FrostKitty: who mutes
(17:07 / Allied) HammeR_: !draw
(17:08 / Allied) HankMoody: so sad rly
(17:08 / All) FrostKitty: in 1200
(17:15 / All) FrostKitty: and pulls on 9
(17:21 / All) HankMoody: i know i know
(17:27 / All) HankMoody: plzdontmuteme dude
(17:35 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore frost
(17:37 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore piper
(17:40 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore dam
(17:42 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !ignore hank
(17:42 / All) HammeR_: draw it guys
(17:48 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(17:48 / All) HammeR_: Come on
(18:04 / All) FrostKitty: yellow say sorry
(18:16 / All) FrostKitty: for being a cunt
(18:44 / All) Damasus90: ANNOUNCEMENT: You can now select your desired hosting location(Atlanta, Chicago, Germany)! Check http://goo.gl/lpbZX9
(18:49 / All) HammeR_: !draw
(19:00 / Allied) HankMoody: mang my hold so op
(19:05 / Allied) HankMoody: for 10
(19:08 / Allied) HankMoody: so fucking op units
(19:10 / Allied) HankMoody: and cant play :/
(19:17 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(19:20 / All) HammeR_: are we really gonna play this
(19:20 / Allied) Damasus90: do draw to early^^
(19:21 / All) HammeR_: ?
(19:24 / Allied) Damasus90: *dont
(19:27 / Allied) HankMoody: not early
(19:27 / Allied) HankMoody: ye
(19:31 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: never seen ppl not draw before in 1200
(19:32 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: wtf
(19:34 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !scores
(19:40 / All) Damasus90: Player [Monarch]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(19:42 / All) HankMoody: Yalla
(19:44 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(20:06 / Allied) Monarch: lel
(20:10 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(20:11 / Allied) FrostKitty: rekt
(20:12 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: !draw
(20:13 / Allied) HankMoody: ^^
(20:18 / Allied) HankMoody: gud send
(20:18 / Allied) FrostKitty: man
(20:20 / Allied) FrostKitty: makes me laugh
(20:21 / Allied) FrostKitty: hard
(20:28 / Allied) HankMoody: ^^
(20:35 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: who's heal
(20:37 / Allied) FrostKitty: lel
(20:38 / Allied) Monarch: me
(20:39 / Allied) FrostKitty: i been telling him
(20:41 / Allied) FrostKitty: its 20+
(20:44 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: -king
(20:45 / Allied) FrostKitty: and we need 24
(20:47 / Allied) FrostKitty: rofl
(20:51 / Allied) HankMoody: i told him alrdy
(20:56 / Allied) FrostKitty: man
(20:57 / Allied) HankMoody: earlier
(21:00 / Allied) FrostKitty: fuck
(21:01 / Allied) FrostKitty: hell
(21:04 / Allied) FrostKitty: good tk
(21:05 / Allied) HankMoody: !draw
(21:05 / All) Damasus90: Player [HankMoody] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(21:08 / Allied) Piper: !draw
(21:08 / All) Damasus90: Player [Piper] has voted to draw the game. 2 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(21:09 / Allied) FrostKitty: !draw
(21:09 / All) Damasus90: Player [FrostKitty] has voted to draw the game. 1 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(21:09 / Allied) plzdontflamefam: umm
(21:11 / Allied) Damasus90: !draw
(21:11 / All) Damasus90: The game has now been recorded as a draw. You may leave at any time.
(21:13 / All) HankMoody: just rolled u
Okay the end.
Enjoy the novel.
I am a pleasant person to play legion TD w/. Grrr. This is only the 2nd time I've request ppl be banned and the other was this same situation. Where I am reported and banned ironically by someone who in my opinion is the one breaking all the rules and ruining the legion community for everyone.
Idk this whole thing just puts a terrible taste in my mouth.
I dont care about being banned. It just bothers me that a moderator read their accusations against me. and then apparently watched the replay to justify banning me and didn't discover that they were in fact the ones breaking the rules. Idk... I just don't enjoy toxic people. Hence my current username, plzdontflamefam.
Hmm idk FeelsBadMan.
I can't believe I just wrote all of that. I think I'm done w/ legion. Delete my account. I don't enjoy a community where the flamers are empowered and supported when they bully the innocent. gl hf