Briefer on Shield Generators and sappers

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Briefer on Shield Generators and sappers

Postby friendlycraig » Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:42 am

This is the first of my strategy posts!

As a Mech builder, you have the option to make the shield generator for 190g/270w and to upgrade it for 140g/130w. As the description says, adds 2(4) armor, and will block 1 (2) offensive spells. Most people only make this when the enemy has a spell to cast against it, not realizing +2/+4 armor is immense for most units, especially ranged. Mind you, you can make a powerplant for only 50 more wood than 2 upgraded shield generators, which may be a more prudent investment.

A note: the shield only block direct spells(city of magic, oracle of sirens, tower of chaos, and the like), EXCEPT the city of magic attack and not area of effect spells. If the enemy has Mech, build AoE buildings or Obelisks, or alternately make ONE targeted building to have mech spend wood and gold making shield gens, while you build other structures.

Sappers cost 200 per structure and do about 400 damage, less armor and spell reductions. They are VERY affective early and middle game against anything on the ground, except Human Defenders and Undead Banshees. Night Elf Assassins will target them. 1 or 2 aren't particularly effective, but 4 or 5 can be a huge benefit. Personally, I use them to cut down heavy armor, as Mech lack magic damage(although the high normal damage of a heavy tank is effective against). If you or your team is having trouble killing the enemy melee line, consider making 2 or 3 sappers, staggering their spawns.

A constant line of sappers is tough to push early and mid game. To counter this I suggest siege weapons (Catapult, Ballista, etc.), units with cleave,the Night Elf Obelisk of Wilderness, or just go air (which is scary since Mech has Rocket Tanks and Gyrocopters.

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Re: Briefer on Shield Generators and sappers

Postby Raizen » Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:36 pm

Thanks for sharing the strategy. :)

I would like to add the mech shield lvl 1 is glitched at the version 1.22a. It can buff the enemy units too. Is only safe use it lvl 2 at the version 1.22a.

Another great counter against the goblins are the spellbreaker kodo. They take a very small damage from it.

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Re: Briefer on Shield Generators and sappers

Postby Beorn » Thu May 29, 2014 4:00 am

Assault tanks deal splash chaos damage to ground, and can actually push :roll:

Great tip about red vs blue shield though, I thought it was some other odd glitch that sent shields to workers and enemies, or maybe a blademaster...

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