Naruto story arcs (idea)

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Naruto story arcs (idea)

Postby Salope » Sun May 21, 2017 3:40 am

hello, everybody!

I myself have decided to begin a journey of map devolping. I have always loved the Naruto series (or about half of the episodes of Naruto and about half of the episodes in Shippuden). I have dreamed of making a map that would follow my favorite things in Naruto, including spells, characters and much much more. Realizing creating a map similar to one like Naruto World would not work out (I tried for a while) i came to a conclusion that I must make one myself from scratch. The concept is rather simple: I will take a Naruto arc and turn it into a game, just a singular Naruto arc, from the start of the show to wherever I want it to be. I'll be starting with the Pein arc, because Pein is my favorite character, and I'm already full of ideas on how to begin it.

That being said, I am not a super skilled developer. I have made maps of my own, worked on maps of my own and edited maps of others but this task is one that I believe will be huge. There will be tons of work going into it, and thats why I'm here, I need some help.

You can help in any way possible, whether it be doing research on skins/spells for me, beta testing, or becoming a helping map devolper I'd appreciate it a ton.

If you're interested you can comment here with questions or PM me, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks, and happy gaming, -Ethan.

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Re: Naruto story arcs (idea)

Postby wTc[JediMaster] » Mon May 22, 2017 9:13 am

so will it like one of those bad (IMO) battle royale maps where all the fools run around with their arms waving behind them and screaming the name of thier attacks be4 1shooting everything within reach or did you plan to make it kinda like AW LR / Avatar / Eragon map style where you build up the map and add factions and thier "leaders/heroes" and then do some events and other stuff?
Or maybe like one of the Fellowship of the ring style where you just get to tag-along with the story?

you should prob ask around for help on:

Might find something you want/need there :P
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Re: Naruto story arcs (idea)

Postby Salope » Mon May 22, 2017 8:53 pm

More fellowship of the ring. Think a more selective version of Naruto RPG, and instead of broadening over the ENTIRE naruto series just a singular arc. Fighting will be a big part, but not the only part. (Personally, I don't like naruto battle royal maps either, its just kinda spam).

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Re: Naruto story arcs (idea)

Postby Salope » Mon May 22, 2017 8:53 pm

Also, did ask help on multiple forums, and checked all the hiveworkshop stuff (didnt find much ;/)

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Re: Naruto story arcs (idea)

Postby birgas » Sun Jun 18, 2017 4:57 pm

I do not lika Naruto at all

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