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Broken Alliances map overview

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:50 pm
by Ultimate_aMaYa
Here is the map last update made by Ultimate_LeBron :

36 starting bases (12 players with 3 bases each) + 4 bases random buyable + 2 bases fixe buyable
For a total of 52 bases, so 10 bases aren't in the map (randomly chosen, except for the 2 fixe buyable)

Citys represent the spot of a base
Icone of hero/unit/beast represent quests
Icone of a grant represent a buyable base
:!: Dragon shop are not represented on this map, but the south red dragon shop is now a black dragon shop, and the north bronze dragon shop, is now a blue dragon shop, and a green dragon shop on the bottom left of Icelock base spot location (map below).

10968356_658756220899950_6607274208038621754_n.jpg (256.83 KiB) Viewed 1711 times

Re: Broken Alliances map overview

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:01 pm
by Ultimate_aMaYa
Here is the map few years ago, 1st made by King_Leopold and then shocker455 :

36 starting bases (12 players with 3 bases each) + 4 bases buyable

when the base spot location were not random/scrambled.
So you can see the name of each original bases, and the buyable bases which were only buyable and not available in the 3 starting bases.

BrokenAlliancesMap.jpg (427.86 KiB) Viewed 1707 times

Re: Broken Alliances map overview

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:30 pm
by nabo.

Moved topic to a more appropriate forum section.

Re: Broken Alliances map overview

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:03 am
by Ultimate_aMaYa
nabo. wrote:@Ultimate_aMaYa

Moved topic to a more appropriate forum section.

Ok thx, I might post the very last map as soon as lebron made it :D

Re: Broken Alliances map overview

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:22 am
by ArkhanIV
Awesome, a good overview for the new and the old BA players