Castle Fight
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:33 pm
If you enjoy castle fight which is hosted by bot ENT1(3v3 style) and ENT65(1v1 style), you may also enjoy this thread.
What is Castle Fight?
If you have played Civilization Wars, the map is pretty similar, you must destroy your enemy's castle and of course defend your castle. You don't have any control on your units, the control you have is on your builder. You need to make a cool combo to defeat your enemy. The map by itself remember chess where the best strategy wins.
The History
The map was developed by geX, his last version was 1.14b
When he quit wc3, in that time we had a lot of funny bugs like.., Inccubus steals Legendary hero, Eraser doesn't work.. etc..
Then geX shared his version with Elf_Stratigo.. CF ES version. ES fixed old bugs, he brought new ones too C: But the fact is, he did an excellent job for CF, unfortunately he quit wc3 and here we are, stuck in the version cf1.22a
I have talked to ES, he still doesn't know if he will develop a new version. He shared a version with me and asked me to wait
I'm not a mapmaker but I'd like to have a new version so I'm hoping he will be back
How to meet good players?
Atm there's 2 clan of cf. CFI@euro and SN@east, last year you could also find good players at the channel CF@asia
Ppl from garena russia room cf are really good, if you speak russia you may contact them here
Like others games, modes are important, it may decide the result of the game. Playing a 1v1 game you have to be careful about the modes, some ppl are doing such modes like -srg350 -ur -mp2 -pr2 -ban1 just to win the game. It's wrong because there's no balance, the person will pick a combo, like red dragon and siren. You still can beat him like I did, but you will need a tower and patiente, cuz he will push and he will use ruin and/or oracle.. so it's a thing to think before you accept any modes.
low -it and -ht, it doesn't make sense.
First off, -itX means Income Timer
You'll receive 5 gold by X seconds, each building increases income by a percentage of its own price. It makes conclude you'll have an arithmetical progression but your number constant will change through your buildings
The -it by default is 10 seconds, ppl are used to play with -it8, others will play with less than 8 and these ppl at the end can't understand why their game lags, the game lags due to the low -it.. think about this question How big is the difference between -it10 and -it9 after 10 min of the game? If you can't see any difference you should back to the kindergarten if you can see the difference think about the -it10 and -it4 and make ur own conclusion
-ht means high tax it doesn't work with low it. So if you are doing -ht + low -it sorry but you're extremly stupid, in the end of the game, your game will lag.
-gld/-glx It's good to prevent when the game is stuck when everyone is lagging however ppl playing with low -it and low -gld it means autodraw.
The map is not balance but depending on the number of players and the modes, the game may have a balance. Making a mode to spam a single unit is not a balance game.