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LoD disconnection problem

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:49 am
by LatinChamp
I've been playing some LoD lately and in one game I suddenly got my WC3 closed, no error screen, nothing. I thought that maybe it was my PC, but when I joined another game I saw i didn't have any change on my score so I was happy about it (¡elo fag!).
I wondered what happened onto that game, so I searcehd for it, when I was in the download page I noticed that everyone got dced on that game at the same time I did.
Before saying "OMG THIS MAP HAS A FRIGGIN PROBLEM I'LL ANNOUNCE IT EVERYWHERE" I started looking for some other games were it possibly had happened.... And yeap, seem like LoD has some kind of problem where everyone gets instantly dced (In my case wc3 closed).

I found at least 5 games from the last 3 days where this happened:

The only connection I've found is that every game is 24min or more lenght but never pass the 32min mark. So if you get dced arround that time you'll be part of the crash club

Re: LoD disconnection problem

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:44 pm
by efko
I guess they have to refresh/restart server. In most of LOD games which I had been played, players have problem with lag, or they are getting dc, 1 or 2 players per game.

Re: LoD disconnection problem

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:57 pm
by Sylvanas
lod and many other maps can cause fatal errors, with or without error pop up. I believe it happens in regular dota games as well, but lod definitely does it more. Certain hard to identify and reproduce skill interactions are causing them.

It can happen at any time, just because your sample of 5 games has it happen at 24 the soonest and 32 the latest doesn't mean those are the earliest and latest moments it can happen, statistics don't work that way. It just coincides with the most likely moment, when game has been ongoing for a while and people start getting into large team fights and spamming lots of spells. If you look at the end of those replays, I'm sure always happens while a team fight is in progress.