@aRt)Y @HazarDous @uakf.b @rip_joe5 @nullCan we have a mod or two (not personally involved in the tourney) review the finish to this tournament please?
As there was no actual finals game concluded, this tournament was never finished, and a bannable player is being rewarded with $ and in game credit. I can't imagine that's a finish anyone wants to an ent tournament.
I just want to start off saying that we went out of our way to make this tournament work. I rescheduled a work appointment on Sunday AND ripjoe went WAY out of his way to make poor schedule time work for us, as well as REMATCHING after a BANNABLE move. (Which I hope by now Notalma has reported as he said he was going to, also not sure how u can win a finals after a bannable offense.)
The times for the finals posed an issue for my teammate (Prophet/ripjoe/wadewilson). But he went out of his way to borrow a laptop & mobile internet to take to his bowling awards party/event, to try to play the finals, AND went there EARLY so that he'd have enough time to finish our legion td hell match. Because of the situation I had prefaced our first game asking, since hes a bowling alley if he gets a disc whats the rule? Notalma said we would rm if he disc'd, as long as it wasn't late in the game etc. Said cool we went on.
Game #1: We started game #1 and were 10 minutes in when they were able to locate a wifi password, he entered the password for the wifi on the laptop so that he would be connected going forward as he was on cellular mobile data. He never turned the data off, merely connected to the wifi but didn't realize doing so would cause the laptop to try to use it as a default, and him to lose connection. He disconected. We remade the game. Thought we would be golden now that he's on wifi shouldn't have a disconnect etc.
Chat log as he is dropping:
(09:14 / All) Dew.: just rm?>
(09:14 / All) notalma5: if he is out we rematch its only 4th lvl
(09:14 / All) Dew.: he disc
Apparently an obs had told forgiveme in/after the game (felt shady), that prophet didn't have a great roll in game 1, so he thought we disc'd on purpose. (Not the case at all, which I think is incredibly apparent from our chat) Anyone that knows us or has played with us knows that we hate people who try to cheat.
Game #2: Forgiveme talks about plug pulling on purpose all game, then to just his partner he says I will disc if I get a bad roll. Notalma laughs. Then he ACTUALLY plug pulls because he leaks. This is a blatant violation of the rules with CLEAR understanding that it was done on purpose and BECAUSE he was doing poorly. I think without the conflict of interest (if the team that did this, wasnt the team RUNNING the tournament) it's probably over right here with a DQ. We were FURIOUS but we wanted to win fairly. I believe that's pretty clear in the chat log. We told Notalma that we wanted a fair match, and that we didn't want to play with forgiveme anymore. Prophet also informs notalma at this point that he probably doesn't have time for a 3rd game as his battery is dying AND has to bowl soon. He asks if we can play later that night. No response. Notalma says go next game.
Chat log from game #2:
(00:06 / All) forgiveme: i can lsoe connection sorry
(00:16 / All) forgiveme: if bad roll
(01:06 / Allied) forgiveme: r u ok
(01:13 / Allied) notalma5: me? :d
(01:15 / Allied) forgiveme: i can close modem
(01:15 / Allied) notalma5: ofc
(01:16 / Allied) forgiveme: yep
(01:37 / Allied) forgiveme: lets rematch
(01:39 / Allied) notalma5: calm down they didnt did this intentional
(01:39 / Allied) forgiveme: dont care
(02:57 / All) forgiveme: i will disc too
(03:04 / All) forgiveme: on 4
(06:02 / All) notalma5: he intentional
Notalma tells us partner will rejoin via gproxy, he doesnt and bot kicks him after the allotted time few minutes. Then Notalma urges us to play again. Without wanting to, but trying to be as fair as possible we start game 3. We let him know that we probably won't be able to finish it. No response.
(06:10 / All) wadewilson5: i wont be bowling at this rate can we play later tonight by chance
(06:10 / All) wadewilson5: say 10pm est
(06:10 / Allied) Dew.: how long do u have
(06:10 / Allied) wadewilson5: not long now
Game #3: Prior to this game on twitch and in both games, Prophet tells him that we might not have enough time to finish the game because of Forgiveme's stunt and his battery's life. As we are in the middle of conversation, the host of the game starts the game. Prophet gets a great roll and is our overbuilder, I push income. Game goes on for awhile. Past the first few "elimination lvls". Laptop notification had told prophet that he had 40 minutes remaining prior to the start of the 3rd game. However once the game starts, the system resources used increase and the laptop only makes it about 17 minutes and then gives him a warning about battery life at 7%. I pause the game to try to save the last bit of battery life and prophet + the bowling alley attendants are trying to get an extension cord that will work. (They didnt have any 3 prong wall outlets, only two prong, so had to search for an adapter/cord) His laptop put itself into standby prior to them getting a cord to him in time, he disconnects from the game because of laptop going into standbye.
(19:05 / All) wadewilson5: well might die if cant find a plug
(19:07 / Allied) notalma5: k
(19:16 / Allied) Dew.: go find one
(19:16 / Allied) Dew.: ask someone if needed
(19:16 / Allied) wadewilson5: they looking for extension
I message notalma on twitch that we'll need to reschedule a rematch. He tells me that "rules are rules". I ask him to reschedule the match.
Realistically neither Prophet nor I care about the money first off. Really just feel cheated and wronged and don't want a
cheater to get money/recognition. We would like a chance to have a real finals match, and can't imagine anyone wanting their tournament to end like this OR the tournament funds going to someone because of a clear CHEAT/BANNABLE offense. It feels like the only reason it went down this way is that the tournament organizer was on the other side and didn't want to be bothered once he could take the win.
All we asked for (multiple times) was for a real finals game, to be rescheduled that night or the next day (today) and thats all we still want. To be honest Notalma would most likely beat us in a rematch, we are rusty old school players but we want a FAIR shot at a real finals match.
The end response we got from Notalma was "I have no reason to fix it". (See custom game chat log below)
Basically "I have no reason to fix", because: "I won & you talked shit after"
So combination of conflict of interest and pride, and he doesn't want to have a real result.
Here is a chat log from game we played later that night (when he was apparently quite
available to play) is below.
(03:07 / All) Dew.: so just one question notalma
(03:16 / All) Dew.: why not fix right now?
(03:56 / All) notalma: because i announce everything send hellraiser winners and no teammate
(04:21 / All) Dew.: very easy fixes
(04:23 / All) Dew.: thats it?
(04:36 / All) notalma: yep
(04:48 / All) Dew.: so, ur going to fix then?
(04:53 / All) notalma: nop
(05:06 / All) Dew.: u msg hellraiser, and get that idiot to play, or find someone else
(05:07 / All) notalma: u talk like its all our foult
(05:08 / All) Dew.: Where is the problem?
(05:28 / All) notalma: i told everything
(06:13 / All) notalma: i dont give a shiit he is douche or not u suggest rematch when he dc
(07:49 / All) Dew.: u dont want to fix, got it
(08:06 / All) notalma: no need to fix
(08:08 / All) Dew.: we'd let u get a new partner
(08:11 / All) Dew.: and u can msg hellraiser
(08:14 / All) Dew.: which like u said
(08:17 / All) Dew.: are ur only problems
(08:24 / All) Dew.: to having a real finals
(10:13 / All) WadeWilson5: i said i couldnt fucking finish it but didnt matter you wanted to win bad enough
(10:15 / All) Dew.: hey these guys dont have time to finish, and partner just did something illegal, but ALL is good
(10:33 / All) notalma: u see i didnt said its all good U DID
(10:38 / All) notalma: so fck off
(10:50 / All) WadeWilson5: no i did not i said i cant play dumbass read english better
(10:51 / All) Dew.: Right
(11:00 / All) Dew.: Prophet saying he doesnt have time now
(11:04 / All) notalma: fckin morons i did this tourney not for me i even didnt wanted to participate in it
(11:05 / All) Dew.: sure is "go for it"
(11:10 / All) WadeWilson5: i was trying to talk more and u started the fucking game
(11:12 / All) Dew.: THEN FIX IT
(11:16 / All) Dew.: ITS SO GOD DAMN EASY
(11:23 / All) Dew.: and everyone would be happy
(11:23 / All) Dew.: lmao
(13:56 / All) WadeWilson5: no u didnt u let your teammate cheat lmao the rules
(13:57 / All) Dew.: ur teammate is only one that voilated rules
(14:15 / All) notalma: yes he did
(14:20 / All) notalma: he will be reported
(14:28 / All) WadeWilson5: so u won with a cheater goodjob lol
(14:38 / All) notalma: but not eliminated from tourney bcs ur team said rematch and we agree
Chat logs and replays below. Would love to have a real & fair finals.
Thanks in advance,
Game 1:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 759865.w3gGame 2:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 759928.w3gGame 3:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 760047.w3gCustom game where Notalma tells us he has no reason to fix:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 761270.w3g