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July Tournaments 2016 Results ($650 payout)

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:20 pm
by aRt)Y
All tournaments are over and ENT is more than happy to pay out a total of $650!

This year, LTD and LIHL were especially successful while niche games like Footmen vs Grunts or Hero Push gained a least the attention of players. Nonetheless, we would like to give a big thank you to the tournament organizers @MickeyTheMousie (LTD), @eldryan (LIHL) and @wTc[JediMaster] (Footmen vs Grunts & Hero Push) for their sublime job.
I am convinced that it is a good tournament model for the future. So if anyone wants to organize a tournament sponsored by ENT, feel free to do so!

    I. Legion TD: $420
      Winner: #1 and fans (Avadakedavra, Tom_Hardy, n1ll3 & elektro-): $65 each and in-game spoof
      Runner-Up: Ragtag Bashers (Jamo, milfhunter96, pyro_p & Singaboutme): $30 each
      3rd Place: LOYALTY OVER MONEY (HugMeOnce, 1007, RoseThorn & Dong[thai]): $10 each
      Note: Games have been recorded and are available on YouTube.
    II. LIHL: $160
      Winner: beats Solo (Eldryanthewise & Patarinsky): $60 each and forum color
      Runner-Up: MonkeyLegion (schrumpfi & broud3r): $20 each
    III. Hero Push: $70
      Winner: wormTastic (wTc[JediMaster] & GoMinGo): $25 each
      Runner-Up: ship (wtc[ship] & wtc[mapa]): $10 each
    IV. Footmen vs Grunts: $0
      1. LTD has received in-game spoof as the players who participated are mostly public players.
      2. LIHL has received forum color as the players are active forum users and more competitive.
      Both are temporary.
      3. While Footmen vs Grunts did not really succeed as a tournament should (mainly because the players who signed up didn't show up), we will give a few bucks for the motivation and hard work. :)

How to claim your prize(s):
  • Validate your account (with which you participated and which is listed on the team post) with your forum account.
  • Private message me your e-mail in order to receive your prize in form of a PayPal transaction.
  • Private message subject: <your team> - <your account>
    I would like to ask everybody who already sent me a pm to resent it with the format above.

The tournament sub-forum will be moved to the tournament archive (except for LIHL).

Over the past years, ENT has now paid out a total of ~$3910 in tournament prize money. If you would like to ensure future prizes, you are more than welcome to donate to ENT - you even get a few things for that. ;)

Thank you very much to everyone who participated! We are looking forward to seeing two or three more tournaments this year.
If you are interested to receive information and updates about ongoing or future tournaments, you might want to sign-up here.

Re: July Tournaments 2016 Results ($650 payout)

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:05 pm
by Diablo_
Was a nice LTD Tournament. Thanks to ENT and Mickeythemousie for making it possible.

Also thanks to Eldryan and the other organizers.

Re: July Tournaments 2016 Results ($650 payout)

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:11 am
by Dong
@aRt)y i would like to donate my $10 to the ENT community and help ensure future tournaments, and keep the amazing servers running.


Re: July Tournaments 2016 Results ($650 payout)

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:21 am
by eldryan
Diablo_ wrote:Was a nice LTD Tournament. Thanks to ENT and Mickeythemousie for making it possible.

Also thanks to Eldryan and the other organizers(?).

The other organizer got the whole tourney going, it was just missing LTD. If we're going to do shout-outs, that WTC guy was the initiator so s/o to him and hopefully next time the signees are more punctual. I started mine before Mick, I believe, then Mickie made a slightly different tourney for 4v4, so LTD got a lot of action.

My next tourney will have to be 3v3, as that's the direction I'm headed, and will be near the end of next LIHL season as usual. Just a heads up.

Re: July Tournaments 2016 Results ($650 payout)

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:27 am
by baem
nice had fun watching some ltd games at lforwards youtube,
i started playing legion td some weeks ago, would like to see more tournaments.

Re: July Tournaments 2016 Results ($650 payout)

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:26 am
by Mind
just one suggestion: if u r aware of uploading your vids/streams to youtube, u shud chose your words towards others players wisely (im referring to the game vs WeCumInPeace // the very end of the video).
just a hint from a person who deserves it :P

Re: July Tournaments 2016 Results ($650 payout)

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:45 pm
by wTc[JediMaster]
@eldryan Thanks then :) and ye Seems ENT is mostly filled with LTD players, and some DotA people + all the randoms but seems you removed/lost the Dota inhouse thing tho, I wanted to add you in the end announcement aswell but seemed you were alrdy done with your Inhouse Tourney so did not :P

Gota wonder how many got thier eyes opened for HP now :P would be nice to see more people, FvG is a known game mode and have alota versions and maps so that was not as informative. maybe gagoo also got some more subs after my info about him :P