Ban clanpf
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:16 pm
Replay Link: ... 110610.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD #69
Your Warcraft III Username: |c00873260Grom
Violator's Warcraft III Username: clanpf
Violated Rule(s): Spam holy maceman in a corner to not join battle on lvl 26 and abuse boss glitch.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Lvl 26, 69:04
Any further thoughts: Spamming holymaceman (I counted at least 16) in a corner is similar to making ent spawn on lvl 10 to bug the boss. They were losing the game hard, and used a cheat to win. Please ban for 1 week, as these are pro players.
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD #69
Your Warcraft III Username: |c00873260Grom
Violator's Warcraft III Username: clanpf
Violated Rule(s): Spam holy maceman in a corner to not join battle on lvl 26 and abuse boss glitch.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Lvl 26, 69:04
Any further thoughts: Spamming holymaceman (I counted at least 16) in a corner is similar to making ent spawn on lvl 10 to bug the boss. They were losing the game hard, and used a cheat to win. Please ban for 1 week, as these are pro players.