bannrequest kingarschfick
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:57 pm
Replay Link:
Game Name:[ENT] HELLHALT TD #20
Your Warcraft III Username:bk.fabi
Violator's Warcraft III Username:kingarschfick
Violated Rule(s): put in prac after i explicitly said i dont want prac
also refusing to rage with the team on lvl 10 and 12 and spamming mass lod over saving some mercurial on lvl 24 (he is on a second account and clearly knows better) Also didnt send for 30 and refused to upgrade king
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:
they were mad at me in lobby for not moving, (insulting me and hinting that they would go in my team and troll in german)
Game Name:[ENT] HELLHALT TD #20
Your Warcraft III Username:bk.fabi
Violator's Warcraft III Username:kingarschfick
Violated Rule(s): put in prac after i explicitly said i dont want prac
also refusing to rage with the team on lvl 10 and 12 and spamming mass lod over saving some mercurial on lvl 24 (he is on a second account and clearly knows better) Also didnt send for 30 and refused to upgrade king
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:
they were mad at me in lobby for not moving, (insulting me and hinting that they would go in my team and troll in german)