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Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:37 am
Legion TD HELL v3.91s - Changelog

Reuploaded to fix the (null) error


Hero points
-Hero points are now automatically rewarded. You either able to change builder or build hero.

-Relocated some buttons in Town

-Holy Light from (R) to (S)
-Stop from (S) to (W)
-Build hotkey from (B) to (Z)
-Rally from (Y) to (R)
-Lumber Research from (R) to (W)
-Wisp build from (W) to (Q)
-Next/Previous Page from (W) to (V)
-Units with different upgrades, now follow this pattern of hotkeys:
From left to right ->(F), (G), (H). Example: Tree of life (F), Tree of Knowledge (G), Alive Branch (H)


Antistuck skill removed!

New skill:
Command Attack!: you can cast this to order your units to attack. Cooldown: 20sec. AoE 300, Range 2500

New Skill
King's Taunt: You can cast this to taunt wave creeps to attack king. Cooldown to 10sec. Aoe 250. Range Global


-Fixed King's UI, Now it displays the correct number of HP and Attack upgrades.

-Fixed King command buttons appearing occasionally after level 29+

*King's Shockwave:
-Added Damage Debuff, Deals 5dps for 20seconds
-Increased AoE from 250 to 350
-Max range is now 1200

*King's Warstomp
-Increased stun duration from 2 to 2.25

King Upgrades
*King Hit Points: Removed bonus HP on x5 upgrade

King's Autoheal
-FIxed a bug where purple would heal wrong King


Lisk: Attack speed from 1.5 to 1.35
PanicX: Attack speed from 1.1 to 1
Egze: Attack speed from 0.9 to 0.8
HuanAk: Attack speed from 0.8 to 0.7

*Fiend: New skill: Minor Concussion. 15% chance to deal 125 bonus damage and stun 1.5(0.5)* the target

*Summon Wolf: Skill Added: Crit Out: 12% chance to deal x10 damage
*Fixed Upgrade tooltip stating wrong armor type

Blood Raider
*Blood Wolf: New Skill: Feral Crit: 16% chance to deal x10 damage
*Fixed Upgrade tooltip stating wrong armor type

Wave creeps
-Set min acquisition range from 650 to 640
-Set max acquisition range from 730 to 680

Alive Branch
-Name change from Tree of Life - Branch

Grom'thar(level 30 Boss)
-HP regeneration from 100 to 48

Ghost (player Unit)
-Corrected selling price
-Damage from 1.55%* of MaxHP per sec to (1% of MaxHP+10) per second.
*This skill was bugged, never dealt more than 1% of MaxHP.

Wind rider
-From 2 food to 1 food

-Price from 135 to 165

Inject Steroids: Extra damage bounce from 100% to 90%

*Entagle: from 4(2)** to 6(3)**
-Cooldown from 5 to 7
**In () its the Boss durations

Tree of Life
-Damage from 301-334 to 316-360

Tree of Knowledge
-Damage from 201-221 to 221-251

-Corrected selling price

-Now they are teleported at mid to defend King if you have cleaned your wave
-Armor from 2 to 3
-Move speed from 1 to 0
-Now they explode at their stated times

Small land mines
*Kaboom: Delay 3secs

Medium Land Mines
Kaboom: Delay 6secs

Large Land Mines
Kaboom: Delay 9secs

-Now they are teleported at mid to defend King if you have cleaned your wave

*Deluge: Damage bounce from 55% to 65%

Load Code: 2yx9c
Legion TD HELL v3.91s.w3x
(1.08 MiB) Downloaded 232 times

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:54 am
by Zulthar
How come this version not live yet? :-p

Hey HellRaiser, is it possible if you can fix the hard split for late game when your army gets to big? I notice when you build a land mine they can pull your whole army from far away maybe give units the same aggro range as mines?

Cause when you get crappy rolls during late game you'll need your whole army for each wave, instead of them splitting on you.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:29 am
by HazarDous

Snowmen units incoming next version O: ?

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:13 am
Thats not aggro range, thats assist range, all units have that.

I would now, but my pending heat stroke is not so inspiring

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:20 pm
by Zulthar
@HellRaiser Ya i know i just put it in a different term, meaning unit that gets hit aggro your army toward the unit that got hit. the assist range for units is weak compare to the mine that you can build. i can build a mine at the spawn point. 1 space = one built unit and if I build units 13 spaces back to 15 spaces back. and once mine gets hit that's built at the spawn point, then the mine pulls all your units. now if i did that with a unit, doesn't work at all.

and that's why i was saying maybe all units should have same assist range as a mine and if they do then its not working properly. And if there is no way you can fix this problem maybe consider adding a trigger when each waves starts, all your units automatically start running towards the spawn point maybe that would fix the problem.

Thanks for reading HellRaiser keep up the good work man.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:28 pm

Well mines seem to be unique on that aspect, i will investigate it, but, I really dont want to cancel out the ability for players to create formation.

I have successfully tested up to 8 lines depending on units i used that are pulled successfully, after 8 lines I get splits.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:04 am
by Zulthar

Ya I notice this too max number of lines you can build is 7 with out it splitting on you, if you go 8 you will leave one whole line behind, And if you keep building up to 9 lines you leave 2 lines behind etc. but ya you can go through levels 1/20 with out splits depending on unit cause sometimes i get tiny splits on low levels but that's no problem to me. but level 21 and up can be a pain in the ass, and every unit counts during those waves :cry:

Thanks for investigating this HellRaiser (^_^)b

maybe these units that need a buff? greymane, Auqa spirits. I believe Greymane damage/armor is good, but the health seems bit low. Auqa spirit eh just never liked them they felt so weak to me and some how i leaked on level 5 with them at 2.1k value they should of passed cause of the armor type they have. just some feed back :-)

Oh got a question, that a few of us been wondering. does a witch doctor healing aura stack when you have one upgraded and one non upgraded? Cause i know two upgraded doesn't stack same goes with two non upgraded ones.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:05 am

Aqua spirits they might need a tiny buff, even tho if you just spam em to deal with 5, it wouldn't work as solo unit. you tank with medium armor, but you dont deal pierce damage, you need to compo units.

Greymanes on the other hand are fine, they deal a lot of damage for cost, they have fortified armor and armor buff.

Regen auras don't stack.

Btw I just made a 9line formation that didnt split. It really also depends on units, reroll more. Higher range units, also higher aggro range

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:34 am
by kexaxe
HELLRAlSER wrote:@Zulthar

Aqua spirits they might need a tiny buff, even tho if you just spam em to deal with 5, it wouldn't work as solo unit. you tank with medium armor, but you dont deal pierce damage, you need to compo units.

Greymanes on the other hand are fine, they deal a lot of damage for cost, they have fortified armor and armor buff.

Regen auras don't stack.

Btw I just made a 9line formation that didnt split. It really also depends on units, reroll more. Higher range units, also higher aggro range

@HELLRAISER Aggro: usually it works without splitting in non-ranged levels (melee wave). in ranged and especially flying waves it works much worse.

@Zulthar its good to put high range units to the very rear line such as Dark Priest and small range to the front (obviously) :-)

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:34 am
by Zulthar
HELLRAlSER wrote:Aqua spirits they might need a tiny buff, even tho if you just spam em to deal with 5, it wouldn't work as solo unit. you tank with medium armor, but you dont deal pierce damage, you need to compo units.

had really good combo x2 ice trolls 1 upgraded 1 upgraded Helicopter, and some meat shields to absorb damage while Aqua spirits take them out, but ya I feel like they really do need tiny buff.

HELLRAlSER wrote:Greymanes on the other hand are fine, they deal a lot of damage for cost, they have fortified armor and armor buff.

I see your point with the gold cost.
But reason why I think they need Health buff, cause people always going to build for up coming boss waves. only level i see them being useful is only on level 5 there been times i had to make 2 bears for level 5, bears aren't a great choice of unit to pick for level 10, I don't see them useful on level 13 or level 16, cause if you built for level 10, you'll be fine with heavy units tanking on 13/16. I play 8 hours a day and never actually really need bears ever through level 6-20. sometimes i built them for the hell of it. I see Greymanes as more of a late game unit. And if you have to increase the cost of them because of the health buff, I be gladly to take the cost increase for the buff :-)

kexaxe wrote:its good to put high range units to the very rear line such as Dark Priest and small range to the front (obviously) :-)

Oh I know, :P when you burning through those rerolls to build for those certain waves choices in units that you get, it doesn't always work in your favor in late game. I just rather see split fixed so I don't have to worry about another factor to take in.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:37 pm
by eamonDE
hey, thanks for all the good work and the updating!

can you already say when we could expect to try out version 3.91s? greetings :)

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:15 pm

Very soon.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:36 pm
by kexaxe
HELLRAlSER wrote:Very soon.

Reminds me these old Blizzards coming soon :-)

btw there is still -EQ command in the list. it is useless, isnt it
btw2 the middle tree holds up two wisps. what a frustrating situation for perfectionists :-P

ps looking forward to play the new version! it carries major improvements

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:58 pm
Changelog updated!
Map uploaded!

Well a lot of changes in this patch and its 100% untested. I fully expect a wave of bugs, so I wont ask for bot hosting before a few days has passed to give chance for bugs to be reported.

Thanks @kexaxe, @Zulthar, @Zahnstocher for the feedback, suggestions and bug reports, and everyone else that enjoy and plays the game.


Re: Legion TD HELL v3.91s

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:22 pm
by kexaxe

it says (null) in almost every level