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Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 12:38 pm
Legion TD HELL v3.92e - Changelog


-Fixed a bug with unequal teams autoheal

-Fixed faulty lumber refund on Dark/Royal Presence.

-Fixed a few memory leaks. Did it fixed desync ? Maybe, probly not.


Gromthar(Boss level 30)
-Increase mana regen from 1 to 10
-Starting mana from 200 to 0
-FIxed a bug that made this skill never to be casted
-Added max damage cap to 2500
-Reduced cooldown from 20 to 15sec

Alpha male and Tribesman
*Throw net
-Range from 1000 to 320

Load Code: gzwbo
Legion TD HELL v3.92e.w3x
(1.09 MiB) Downloaded 161 times

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 4:50 am
by Dephloc
I don't see why you changed teammates to the same side?

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 5:29 am

I didn't. I said they can add if they want another bot for that type of cross. But they prefer this.

If you have a suggestion you can post here:

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 9:38 am
by Greymare

Love your work man XD

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 8:42 pm
by Zulthar

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 8:55 pm
by ATwo
Have you fixed the bug with alchemist getting 400 range when juiced?

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 6:42 am

Nope forgot all about it, next version.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 8:22 am

Thnx for the replays, unfortunately I do what I can on the matter, which is not much. 1.27a happened, and it wasn't a step forward.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 2:55 am
by Zulthar

-Fixed a bug with unequal teams autoheal

This is still bugged, When enemy team used both heals on level 10 then his team mate left the game, he got extra bonus heal from it. (O_O)

Replay for extra bug heal : Game also crashed for every one on level 28.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 10:48 am

Well thats how I intended it to be. If your play in an unequal team, you get extra 60% of max heal. But I can reconsider if people think this is OP.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 1:43 am
by Zulthar
Ahh i see lol, Wasn't sure, I thought at first if team used both heals and one leaves u don't get a bonus cause both team mates used all their heals, But that's cool if it was intended this way :-).

I don't know if its OP. But probably isn't cause that person is getting double the send if hes alone.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 2:10 am
by Zulthar

Feedback on the game.

King skills are to expensive, Not worth getting. only time it's worth ever getting, If they send on 17 and you leak badly. Now lets pretend, the enemy team didn't send on 17. and your team mate and you bought a king skill, you automatically lost the game cause you both wasted 5k wood on a king skill, and wont have much wood to send on 20, A team saving fully for 20 king skill wont save you. So (imo) needs to be reduced.

And the new strategy everyone plays now, send on level 1, up king, then send on 10, send on 11, up king fully save for 20. And now the game based on luck At this point, on who got the best towers to try out live turtles before leaking to king first. And if you wasted a heal before 20 you automatically lost the game and might as well type !FF.

Well just some feedback hope next version is better.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 7:26 am
by Greymare
Also are you finding that Infernals are major OP?

or is it just me :/

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 7:30 am
by kexaxe
@Zulthar but then it's you (players) who ruins the game. we play via Gameranger (something like Garena) and almost every game played there is no send 10/20/30 because as you say it gets boring with send on these hard levels. IMO the design is to destroy the enemy with sends during regular levels and then try to survive bosses.

sure I get the point u have that elo rating and statistics which forces you to do whatever you can for winning the game but then we r in the beginning. it's you who ruins the game.

Re: Legion TD HELL v3.92e

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 7:45 am
by Greymare

Then thats why players like you should stay playing [BK]