Debug mode possible addition(s)
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:12 am
Would it be possible to add a command for king spell in debug mode? Would be rly cool way to practice some pro king
Another question is whether or not there could be a debug command added to unlock demon kraken behe infernal and reset their send timers, since just inserting a command for a level doesn't unlock them i.e. when i type -level 16 in debug mode demon still at 0 stock.
Again this is just something small which i thought would be cool idk if its even possible
Another question is whether or not there could be a debug command added to unlock demon kraken behe infernal and reset their send timers, since just inserting a command for a level doesn't unlock them i.e. when i type -level 16 in debug mode demon still at 0 stock.
Again this is just something small which i thought would be cool idk if its even possible