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Changelog 3.42d released

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:10 pm
by broud3r


-40 hp
When the hp drops below 50% the Veteran gets 10 attack damage, 2 armor and 200 maximum hp for 10 seconds.

-0.1 attackspeed
+1 attackdamage
Lowered the collision size by 40%
Just gets attackdamage on kill
Added Undead Army:
For each bone warrior its Attackspeed is increased by 1% and for each skeletor its increased by 4%. up to a maximum of 70%

wraith and mercurial
+40% castspeed

35% faster damage point.
Critchance extended to ground waves.

Deals 45 magicdamage to 2 enemies instead of 40 spell damage.
This effect cant hit the attacked unit.

Wandingoo and Ancient Wandingoo
Reduced the base attackspeed by 0.10
Replaced Evasion with Rampage.
On every fourth attack the wandingoo gets rampaged which increase its attackspeed by 105-140% but reduce the damage by 30(60 for ancient) for 4 attacks.

Replaced Vital Slice with the Gear Up ability.
On attack the krogoth increases his attack damage by 1.2 and the armor by 0.4 up to 15 times stackable for 4 seconds.

Attackspeed: 1.75
Attacktype changed to magic
Replaced Mana Burst with Mana Missile.
Consumes 10 mana to create a missile which damages units every second on its way by 7 magic damage.
After traveling 550 range it returns to the spellcaster, explodes in the mid-distance and deals 20 magicdamage in 200 range.
If the disciple got not enough mana he gets exhausted which reduces the attackspeed by 50% until it reaches 20 Mana again.

Magic burst deals + 30 magic damage.

Changed Weapon Type from missile to instant.

Chanced bonus damage from normal to magic.
+ 25 Mana

Reduced starting mana by 2

Dragonhawk and Royal Griffin
Increased range by 50

Unit fixes
-Outcast buffing random units besides itself.
-Skeletor buffing random units besides itself.
-Eggsack income bug when activating the ability manually .
-Tree of lifes mana regeneration so it casts its heal every 4 seconds instead of every 6.
-Fixed Mutants juice/lumber bug when cast after the round started
-Ygg heals enemy units during the arena.
I wonder why noone noticed this on older versions as its a problem with wc3 and the skill itself and i simulated it on the original 3.41 as well
There was no way for it to not heal enemy fighters - same goes for tree of life and its passive ability.
However implemented a trigger to get a similar effect which doesnt heal enemies.

General Fixes
-lumberjackhotkeys "L" works for all languages now
-units cant attack outside of the arena.
-adjusted some wrong displayed tooltips
-Desync when playing other maps after Legion TD shouldnt occur anymore

-Auto zoom for observers (-zoom 150)
-heals will be used randomly so you have to pay attention on the heal count again
-Reworked the periodic antistucksystem which goes easier on the resources and should make long term stucks less likely.
-Fixed the pathing for ability casting units.
-Reworked the whole ability system for a more efficient storage usuage(ability triggers just get activated when the correspondending unit has been built)
-Removed misschance for fighting uphill during the arena
-sperated the waypoints for the creeps to clog slightly less in the darkgreen area

Added -rt(rotation) as secundary mode:
After each round you rotate the lane with an ally (red-> blue, blue->teal, teal->purple, purple ->red, east side analog to this)
You gain the controll of towers on the new lane and the gold earned by them.
If a player leaves his original lane will be wiped and deactivated.
this mode require communication, cooperation and the ability to plan ahead.

if this mode is typed as main mode it includes -pr -rt -gm

legion td mega 3.42d.w3x
(1.35 MiB) Downloaded 333 times

Re: Changelog 3.42d

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:04 pm
by Meshtar
Those new changes seem really interesting, should be fun to try them out, especially that new mode :)

Thumbs up for the effort you put into keeping this map alive, much appreciated.

Re: Changelog 3.42d

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:11 pm
by myang_zhuang
wraith and mercurial
+40% castspeed

-Removed misschance for fighting uphill during the arena

Re: Changelog 3.42d

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:49 pm
by nawxxy
broud3r wrote:Veteran
-40 hp
When the hp drops below 50% the Veteran gets 10 attack damage, 2 armor and 200 maximum hp for 10 seconds.

Does that mean +200 to current hp as well? Bringing 350 hp to 550 after triggered?

Re: Changelog 3.42d

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:05 pm
by broud3r
increasing the maximum hp increases the current hp by the percent of missing hp.
so in the optimal case its +100 hp.
if it took more damage before it casts its less.

Re: Changelog 3.42d

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:10 pm
by Uryn
What happened to
Cross detection:
while building cross creeps of both side gets the armorbuff of the middle from the beginning.

Did you remove it from this version?

Re: Changelog 3.42d

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:01 pm
by broud3r
tests seemed fine so far just a few tweaks and it should be ready to go.

cross detection is deactivated until further tested.
however will most likely happen until the release this weekend.

some abilities doesnt work due to the patch 1.28.
will be adjusted soon.

Re: Changelog 3.42d

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 9:18 pm
by broud3r
Fixed a problem with the new antistuck system.
map 3.42d is hereby released.
further changes like the cross detection have to be postponed.
updated the attachment on the first post.

Re: Changelog 3.42d released

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 1:41 am
by iamyoursenpai
-Auto zoom for observers (-zoom 150)

i love you broud3r.

Re: Changelog 3.42d released

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 2:36 pm
by Jamo
Holy cow dude. Those changes again, sound super awesome. Appreciate your effort! Soon this map will be better than LTD2 once it finishes, hahaha xD

Re: Changelog 3.42d released

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 6:54 pm
by Lord-Miles
1 thing is wrong with this map and i dont like it , Maverick's have to be attacked then split. @Broud3r

Re: Changelog 3.42d released

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 4:24 pm
by Im_Halp
@broud3r could we add a litle more range to overseer and its upgraded from, it kinda runs right up next to the melee units and dies rather quickly.

Re: Changelog 3.42d released

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 4:46 pm
by razerfreak2

Re: Changelog 3.42d released

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:19 am
by Im_Halp
@broud3r excellent job on the new game mode "-rt" and adding pr was a great call. defintely add it to 1200 will make the games a tun more interesting and alot more skillful. well done.

Re: Changelog 3.42d released

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 7:12 pm
by oneofhim
you made it great again