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Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:02 am
by wani9311
Not many people would be against the fact that we needs some damage nerf in thunderbird, Not to mention hes strong starter with good 1/2 holds, I start to see weird thing like 1155 value birds goes mid at lv7 with furb+3wyv sends or all the birds goes mid at 8 with 2coms furb+ mass with 1400 ish value(not saying it helds, i mean literally i have not lost single bird and they all went mid).

So birds strong 1-9 with ob or can go yolo with ez recovery, strong at every key rounds post 10(even in 17 which it is not suppose to strong against). it is kinda like old ea but weak at 10/stronger at 17 and 20. I mean I believe its been already discussed between balance team(guessing u have one) about this, but still it really is too strong at the moment and need to be fixed as soon as possible

Re: Thunderbird

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:12 am
by eldryan
we already talked about this in a thread. it got deleted or something, not sure where all the missing threads are

broud3r didn't believe it was OP. i discussed hold values on every lvl, gave examples of sends vs value holds, etc. don't think he will be swayed.

thunderbird is weak on some lvls ea is strong against, it's still weaker than ea and I don't think it needs a huge nerf.

Re: Thunderbird

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:18 am
by broud3r
will be adressed in the upcoming version.

Re: Thunderbird

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:56 am
by elokiller
ye I made a topic about it but it got deleted due to the rollback of the forum.

im pretty sure they clear better than ea 14 2800 value against send and they are ridiculously strong on 12 and 15 (meta level right now) so they definitely need some nerf.

Re: Thunderbird

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:20 am
by broud3r
unit adjusted.