This Version Sucks! Too many bugs
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:44 pm
Besides the towers moving, arena just plain not working, tower spells/abilities (IE greymane pump up never casting, among others) the kill gold not registering has got to be the worst! I just discovered Mutants do not register kill gold. It shows +(whatever gold the creep is) but does not record to your gold totals. In this replay it is really evident in round 12, although there was a decent size discrepancy from round 11, that the mutant did not register kill gold and was really easy to see as he was the last tower standing, killed 5-6 creeps while being the last tower, and no gold was registering for each kill. Of course the round gold is clearly demonstrative of this, but it was really easy to isolate which tower was not registering kill gold in round 12. Toggle puredarkness to see this happening in replay. I love this game, but you guys have clearly ruined it, with losses of 24 ELO or more because of this crap. besides the ELO, who likes losing especially when its because of BUGS?