I do not mean the outcome of ban or no ban. That is up to you guys. But I was warned, which means next time if I am "warned" about an AS it actually means I get a ban because of priors. I did nothing wrong in the replay. In the BRQ I clearly showed, which the violator typed on his/her own will that, they were fucking around.
I did not think mods can actually ban/warn a BRQ poster. Beyond that I did nothing wrong. I have almost 2k games on this account and now would be a weird time to be an AS troll. I think if the mod actually watched the game instead of using 3rd party programs, to fast pass a BRQ, he would see that chat relates to the fact that he ASed my units so they never went to mid. Instead of me trying to catch an allies leak and waiting for mid tp. Which would have showed my units and defeats the purpose of this mods warning. I actually, angrily tell the ally not to do such a thing. Cause its illegal.
Instead I get left with this...
WTH does that even mean. This moderator did not watch the replay.This request is denied, and you have been [Warned] for hiding your own units be it intentional or unintentional.