HITLER-SS (Re-opened)

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HITLER-SS (Re-opened)

Postby 2mad2care » Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:58 pm

I'm sorry for reopening the "Processed Request", but I cannot reply to the previous post. Even though I accept your rejecting of the request, I do find your reasoning questionable. As I mentioned in the previous post, I think HITLER-SS was a complete idiot. I've enjoyed several hundreds of ENT-games, but never met anyone like him. First of all, I do not think he should be banned for his statements on the demise of our world economy or for his support of Nazis. Shouting political statements in a Legion TD Mega-game without even knowing the basic values is just a desperate cry for attention. Even though I find the name offensive, Blizzard allowed him to create that accountname. But the constant threathening of our team, claiming that he would come find us, knowing our real names and adresses got to a point of excessive flaming. I do realize that the ignore-button exist, but is that really the only solution?

Also, what the hell is this reasoning? "Being nazi isn't bannable, would be discrimination. It's like if your not jewish you don't play on ent. Your black? Wt* you doing on ENT! .. Hmm, no. You can believe in what you want, being any color you want etc.. even if all disagree with you. Here's is the freedom, with some rule to follow." I do not want to mix ethics and politics with an enjoyable old-school computergame, but there must be a line for what is accepted? I find it very ironically that you use freedom as an argument to protect views such as Nazism. I do believe that you can support whatever political and ethical values that you want, but don't express them offensively in a online-game. Importantly, I do not claim that being a nazi should be bannable, but it is CERTAINLY not like saying "ENT games is only for jews or blacks". It is definately not only jews or blacks that find Nazism offensive, and please don't try to turn anti-nazism into some kind of "We love only jews and blacks-community". Who taught you that? Would that also mean, that if I would suggest that comments regarding the enjoyable moments of child-rape should be kept out of ENT, that I suddenly only wanted the games playable for people with the same view as me? Seeing that players from Europe, Asia and USA play together on your servers, a vast landscape of different political opinions and values must be present, but where is the line? Can I cheer for the american school shootings, breiviks killings, rapes in New Delhi and so on?

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Re: HITLER-SS (Re-opened)

Postby NutzSucksHard » Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:14 pm

2mad2care wrote:don't try to turn anti-nazism into some kind of "We love only jews and blacks-community".
You just said it, anti-nazism. Your against something, and that's the reason you want him ban, he offense you, but me, Hail Hitler is word, I don't fu**ing care. I've watch movies of him, read his book, and I can tell you Hitler was Brillant, not a monster, but all we saying is that he started the second world War and killed jewish etc. Has we said, if it bother you, or making urself not confortable, first try to say him, stop. Then, use !ignore command. And now, you didn't fill the format, from any kind here, and the most big problem, again! Is that you gave no chatlog. Sorry if my opinion wasn't ''good'' for you, but I think your reasons of banning him aren't ''good'' too. If you have something to claim, PM admin/moderator over request section. And stupidity is legal in our World. If you're Noob, will you like to be ban? No, you would like to learn and be able to play like each one. If he got an handicap, in real life, for exemple and that make him ''stupid'' and you ban him or it, it's unjustifying, and discrimination, has I said before. I turned it into jewish and black to simplify my statement, but now, I can see you're stubborn and still not even doing the request has it should be to even have a ban, if you do want a ban, give us ChatLog with time and tell us what ''stupid'' thing he does etc. etc. etc. If we fine that is enough to ban, we will process it has it, otherwise, admin will again deny. For now.

You're personally implicate in this case, and I thinkg thats why your keep trying having a ban of him, but we're out here, having a neutral view of this, and we thought to not ban cause of multiple reason.

Deny again for me again, from lack of information such as : Format fill/Chatlog and time etc.. If you're not in agree of Admin choice PM moderator/admin that confirmed the ban has cyberpunk first then Nz.Death. Me, I've gave you my answer. Await for a admin/mod to come. And please, don't start deblatering on my answer.

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Re: HITLER-SS (Re-opened)

Postby cyberpunk » Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:44 pm

2mad2care wrote:But the constant threathening of our team, claiming that he would come find us, knowing our real names and adresses got to a point of excessive flaming. I do realize that the ignore-button exist, but is that really the only solution?
DreathKnight wrote:There is nothing in the ENT rules that says you can't trashtalk. Flaming and trash talking are 2 completely different things ...... and a simple !ignore command can make his trash talking go away.

Do you really believe in that? He could get your real name, etc? You should try dota, you will find a bunch of kids like him ( no offense to dota players on the forum, but u know... )
Sorry buddy, the ban was denied, I'm moving this thread to complaints, ppl can give their input

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Re: HITLER-SS (Re-opened)

Postby 2mad2care » Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:48 pm

Did you even read the entire post? The first statement explicitly say that I accept the rejection of the ban (due to no clear evidence provided by Sn00be), BUT I did find their reasoning questionable and that's why I stated my opion on the matter. However, I made the mistake to believe that you were an admin. This means that this post is pretty much irrelevant, and I apologize for pointing fingers at the ENT moderators. Also, why are you commenting as us? Just because you have read a book and watched a few movies about Hitler, does this makes you an expert on the subject? I cannot follow your argument: "And stupidity is legal in our World. If you're Noob, will you like to be ban?" I do not think that you can compare real life handicaps with the political views of Nazism. Your ideas of solidarity and equality seems to contradict your "Hail Hitler is word". Ironically, I cannot help to think that your argument serves yourself well. Hopefully you will learn about injustice and discrimination one day. For now, I'm sorry for the inconvience. Please close this thread.

@Cyberpunk Just close the thread. I thought that NutsSuckHards comment represented the moderators opinion. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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Re: HITLER-SS (Re-opened)

Postby cyberpunk » Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:59 pm

Well man, you made a mistake posting that in the forum ban request, you should only make a new topic there to ban someone :3
Perharps I made the wrong call denying that ban, let's see what others have to say about it. Every community has their own rules, maybe you can change it giving your opinion.
For now I don't support, sorry, I do not think relevant
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Re: HITLER-SS (Re-opened)

Postby Nz.Death » Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:11 pm

Well i can see how you got confused thinking the Nutzsuckshard was a admin/mod, I dont have a real view on hitler but i do have alot of knowledge on what he did. I think he was a very very intelligent man, What he did was what he thought was for the best of his people (he wasnt even german). When i start to have a problem is when people start to take a nazi stance and enforce or abuse people and try and link the 2 things together. (i dont support what he did, just to be clear).

But i have a problem with general abuse of other people anyway's, If the abuse become's excessive from anyone then the topic they are abusing someone from shouldnt matter.

I was in a game the other day and someone was telling another guy that he hopes he gets cancer and his whole family gets cancer and die's , My youngest brother (5 years) has cancer and that really got me angry, But i cant do anything and get hot headed because it was personal.

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Re: HITLER-SS (Re-opened)

Postby Glorn2 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:13 pm

I am not easily offended; and am not offended by Hitler, or anything he did. Nothing this person is claimed to have said is offensive to me.

With that in mind; I do believe that sometimes removing a purely negative individual from a community is good for the community as a whole. As mods, your job is to ensure the largest portion of the community remains happy with your services. If you defend an individual who makes <1% of your player-base happy, and say, 30% very unhappy (agree that that vast majority of players really do not care) then it is harmful to the community as a whole.

The situation may also come to mind; "Well, we dont want to ban active members of a dying community." Which is understandable as well. In that situation, same as above; there is a ratio to think of. How many people will eventually have that day where they think "I am tired of the constant flaming; I just want to enjoy a game; and I cannot enjoy this one." so stop playing.

Possibly consider a long bans for excessive flaming rule. If someone is offended enough to make an account on this forum simply to stop a flamer; think of how many were actually offended by that point in time. Each situation would have to be considered individually, and wrist slapping would be the most likely outcome. To do nothing is to give permission.

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Re: HITLER-SS (Re-opened)

Postby uakf.b » Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:25 pm

First of all, I do not think he should be banned for his statements on the demise of our world economy or for his support of Nazis. Shouting political statements in a Legion TD Mega-game without even knowing the basic values is just a desperate cry for attention. Even though I find the name offensive, Blizzard allowed him to create that accountname.

So, yeah, we don't ban people for their views even if they may be offensive to some players. For the name, there are people named Hitler who have nothing to do with Nazis, do you find their names offensive too?

I do believe that you can support whatever political and ethical values that you want, but don't express them offensively in a online-game.

This is why we have an !ignore command.

But the constant threathening of our team, claiming that he would come find us, knowing our real names and adresses got to a point of excessive flaming. I do realize that the ignore-button exist, but is that really the only solution?

Threatening should not be tolerated, but based on chat log no one took him at all seriously in game, so I don't see any reason to ban.
Last edited by cyberpunk on Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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