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Frustrated how unfairly noobs get treated when learning new game.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:07 am
by Sharkvolution
Im not sure why noobs get banned after one or 2 bad games when asking clearly to explain the game and no one offers any help is it really there fault? Everyone is a noob at one point and some learn fast then others but getting banned over it makes no sense if this keeps up wc3 will be completely empty and shut down sooner then later. I was and still am a noob at some of the custom games in wc3 and i think its unfair when 13 other people that know how to play but wont help or explain just yells at the noob shuts them down and then asks them to leave when trying to join another game trying to learn it. And then even finding out admins join there side is even sadder how can i ask a friend to buy wc3 when most games are hosted and joined by ent community and he is a noob at all of them if one person from each game decide to report him and your admin taking there side he keeps getting 3 days banned from all the ent mini games not just that one type he will rage quit the game and tell everyone it sucks because of the community.

Re: Frustrated how unfairly noobs get treated when learning new game.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:33 am
by nabo.

Comment please.

Sharkvolution@uswest unbanned for now.

New player. Other players did not offer help or guidance.

Re: Frustrated how unfairly noobs get treated when learning new game.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:17 am
by Haunt
Sharkvolution I placed a ban based on your game history. You've played enough warcraft and games like ID to know how to not wall your base, yet you did exactly that. Just as an example. There were some few other ways of feeding I doubt anyone with half a brain cell would have done (and yes, I do consider you got at least half a brain cell since you've been able to write ban requests and complaints here) but I can't recall them right now and got no time to re watch the replay right away.

The ban was never long, served more as a warning than actually punishment to tell you that trolling like that is stupid and should not happen in public games.


Re: Frustrated how unfairly noobs get treated when learning new game.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:12 pm
by aRt)Y
(16:20 / Allied) sharkvolution: your not saying anything
(16:30 / Allied) sharkvolution: your not explainging anything

Sums it up well, ban was unreasonable. Furthermore, few hours to 1 day can be considered a warning but not 3 days.